Fulfilled (Part One)

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A/N: My longest chapter. So long that even though I split it into three (to avoid convolution) it is still by far my longest. This is probably the least important chapter out of the trilogy but stay tuned because I think by the time you've read all three you may have a few more answers to any questions you might have. Next chapters after these are gonna be good as well so you might wanna stick around for that when I update. Anyway, hope you enjoy :)


"This is the story of Naruto and also the story of the Prophesied Child."

The environment around the shinobi seemed to melt away. The corpse of Naruto and the form of the Orange-Masked Man disappeared and a void of obsidian blackness absorbed their surroundings. The only things visible in this vast, black space were each other. The shinobi looked around for an explanation.

"Genjutsu," Minato murmured slightly. The deep voice of the Masked Man boomed and echoed around them.

"Yes, but don't try to dispel it. You'll find that you cannot. It is quite unbreakable. Not that you would want to break it anyway," The group looked around, unable to put a location on the voice.

"Who are you!" Might Guy called out, his confidence returning after the man's sudden appearance.

"That doesn't matter," the man replied off-handedly, "As I said, you are here for me to tell you a story. But where to begin?" The man hummed, his voice dancing around them, "Ah! Why not here?" The black empty environment that encompassed them began to swirl and change.

"I would call this the first chapter. The beginning, if you will: This is the Story of Naruto Namikaze."

The ground settled below the group. It certainly felt real. They were currently standing on a grassy plain with a small group of trees surrounding them. In front of them was a relatively large house. Two of the group recognised this place very well.

"Our house..." Karah whispered. The voice once again surrounded them, reminding them of its presence.

"The Namikaze residence. Quite a long time ago now," The group slowly moved forward, exploring the grounds and garden. It truly was quite beautiful. A sudden burst of laughter brought the attention of the group. They walked toward the sound and were met with the sight of a young Naruto Namikaze. He was no more than 4 years old. His frame was tiny and his arms bony. Despite this, his face was large and expressive: ocean blue eyes, whisker-marks on each cheek, a slightly tanned complexion and a brilliant, beaming smile. He was playing some sort of strange, undecipherable game. Of course, in the mind of Naruto whatever he was playing made some kind of sense but to the world, it seemed more like weird, random movements.

As Itachi watched this, he felt his body slightly lose its tension. He thought back to when he first knew Naruto before all of this got started. A much simpler time. This is what he was like before: completely innocent and pure. A small smile made its way onto his face. Sasuke blinked as he saw it. So many memories came flooding back. The sight alone almost brought him to tears. Hinata, still teary-eyed, smiled brightly at the sight. This is all she had wanted to see. Might Guy's countenance held a light smile as he watched the sight. So this is what Naruto was like before. Karah looked at the group's expressions and then turned to look at her father. He was actively looking away, cringing, covering his face. She was confused as to why.

As Naruto continued playing, the group's attention started to wander around their location. They looked to the veranda of the house to see a rather annoyed Minato sitting there. They were shocked almost to gasping when they saw his expression. The pure rage- the annoyance- it was astonishing. Itachi sent the real Minato a nervous glance. He was not put at ease by the expression on his face. He turned back to watch the scene unfold, a newfound sense of dread now pitted in his stomach.

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