Fulfilled (Part Three)

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A/N: PART THREE OF THREE. Also, Chapter 50 so wow. I'm guessing there will be a handful more chapters left after this one. Also, just in case you were wondering, yes I did plan and think all of this out. You can go and re-read all of my OG chapters and see all of the stuff that I set up. If you see any grammar mistakes/spelling please ignore them. I'm sorry I'm just trying to get this out as quickly as possible for everyone. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, hope you enjoy :) [ALSO BTW I AM ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS ANYONE HAS IN THE COMMENTS. THANK YOU AND ON WITH THE STORY :D]


"The final chapter of this saga: The Story of Naruto. Just... Naruto. Though he more frequently goes by the name... Naruto of the Akatsuki."

"And now," the Man spoke dramatically like he was an announcer, "I think it is time you learnt the truth. And learnt it in the same way I did."

As he spoke, the surroundings of the group faded back into vision. They were by the entrance of a dark cave, illuminated only by the torches on the walls. The Masked Man turned to the group and raised his hands.

"I don't wish for any interruptions so I believe this is the right course of action." Slowly both the group and the Masked Man began to turn transparent. They became invisible watchers of the scene in front of them. A few moments after they had all unseeable, a light breeze picked up at the entrance to the cave. Like the Masked Man had appeared before Naruto's body, the past version of the Masked Man, his strange accomplice and the past Naruto appeared at the cave's mouth. Naruto was the first to move. He took two steps forward.

"Your home, I take it?" he spoke, touching the stones that surrounded the entrance of the cave.

"You're full of questions, Naruto Uzumaki," hissed the Masked Man's accomplice. Naruto tensed at the mention of his name.

"No," he said stonily, not turning around to face him. The accomplice narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean, no?"

The Masked Man put a hand on his shoulder, "Silence, Zetsu," He walked forward and past Naruto into the cave, "Come in Naruto."

Naruto followed him and after a second so did the creature known as Zetsu. The trio kept walking down into the depths of the cave. It went on endlessly. Eventually, they arrived at a steel door which Zetsu opened. Inside was another set of tunnels, this time lit up with torches. They continued down the tunnels until they came to another, smaller steel door. When it was opened, Naruto peered into it. It was dark and grimy and the walls were made of dark rock.

"Your room," Zetsu said and Naruto walked inside. He inspected it and turned back around. He bowed and gave a murmured thanks.

"How long will we be here?" Naruto asked, turning back again to inspect the room more closely.

"For as long as we need. I'll leave you to your own devices."

The door closed and Naruto was left in his room. He immediately began to train; doing push-ups on the cold, wet floor. After what seemed like hours, the door clinked and it finally opened. The Masked Man entered the room. Naruto continued his training and did not react to his presence in the slightest.

"Come with me," ordered the man calmly. He left the room again. Naruto reluctantly stopped his training and followed him without saying a word. The two walked down the complex of tunnels and came to another room. This room was different from Naruto's. It was clean and had a table and chairs. Food and drink were also available here. The Man sat down in the chair and held out his hand, offering a seat to Naruto. Naruto accepted and sat in the chair slightly adjacent to the Man's. They sat in silence for a minute. After what seemed like an eternity, Naruto looked at the Masked Man directly and spoke.

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