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A/N: The flashbacks are finished. The story is moving along well. I feel like I may need to take a long break though. The story is near two thirds complete but I fear it may never reach finality. A man can hope though. Hope you enjoy (perhaps the last..?) :)

Naruto and Kisame arrived at their destination. A hideout, hidden by a body of water in a mountain. If their mission had been successful, this is where they were to extract the Nine Tailed Beast from Karah Namikaze. Now though, the two would be forced to explain why Karah Namikaze was not with them. They were dreading it. Naruto sat himself down and immediately it seemed as if he had left his physical body. He was still in control of it but it was different now. It was as if he was a puppeteer, a third person point of view of himself. Naruto's thoughts were interrupted by the monotone voice of his master.

"Where is the Jinchuuriki?" The Tendo Pain's countenance appeared faintly. It was exaggerated in size and colour, making it seem dream-like. Naruto ignored this.

"The 4th Hokage interfered. We were unable to obtain her," responded Naruto.

"Looks like someone's still attached to big sis!" Naruto did not care enough to respond to Deidara's jabs. Everyone knew that Naruto had no such attachment.

"I asked the position, not for an excuse. I already know the events that took place, Kisame already gave his account." Naruto's physical body glanced over to Kisame who shrugged.

"I had specific orders on that mission and what to do after it," he said nonchalantly, "Why do you think I let you fight your old man on your own?" Kisame's eyes lit up with silent mischief. Naruto's face remained emotionless.

"I would have guessed that the Hokage is keeping her under special care after our... attack. I predict that she will be in the open soon however," Naruto would never admit how much he enjoys keeping the other members in suspense.

"Are you going to say when? We don't have all day brat." Sasori asked impatiently. Naruto almost smiled. "If I remember correctly, she was set to begin training with the Sannin Jiraiya. Our attack may have delayed these plans but I believe I understand the Hokage enough that he will, in fact, quicken these plans. The one person the Hokage has faith in more than anyone, is his mentor. That faith is unfounded and can be easily predicted." Naruto wanted to gauge Nagato's reaction to the name Jiraiya but another member inserted himself into the conversation.

"Yes brat, from my experience, I too believe your assessment to be correct, I personally have a score to settle with that old toad Jiraiya so may I ask-"

"Orochimaru," the Tendo Pain's voice silenced the snake, "We have already discussed the matter of Jiraiya. I do not wish to repeat myself. We will discuss our next course of action soon. The conference ends now." The disembodied forms of the other members of the Akatsuki faded to blackness. Naruto was still present as was Pain. After the rest had left, Pain's form had become much clearer and could be mistaken from afar as him actually being there.

"You didn't trust me? I'm disappointed sensei." Naruto initiated the conversation. Pain and his disciple both remained emotionless.

"Precautions needed to be taken," responded Pain, "However, the real reason I ordered Kisame to let you fight the Hokage alone, was to test your skill and disregard for your connections. You have not disappointed."

"This cause is everything. I would put my life aside for it and I have already planned too. I am devoted. This world will know pain."

"I do believe you have set aside all your connections. In your year under me, you have become the perfect bringer of justice. You are one of us now," Pain paused, "Next to me, you are the most devoted member of the Akatsuki." Naruto looked up at him.

"Next to me?" he repeated. There was silence. Pain looked down at Naruto. Naruto returned the look. A distant sound interrupted the staredown. Naruto realised it was from Pain's end. He inwardly smired. Maybe it was time for him to play his card. Naruto would have smirked but instead kept up his emotionless look.

"Perhaps it is time for you to prove you have set aside your connections, Nagato." Pain turned around sharply, although his face remained emotionless. Naruto knew that if he was not using the face of a corpse, Nagato's expression would have been priceless. It was not the fact that Naruto knew that surprised him, it was the fact that he said it. With that, Pain disappeared and Naruto reconnected with his physical body. Kisame had been squatting down in the cave, his weapon resting on his back. When Naruto stood up, the amphibian turned and grinned slightly.

"Where to now?" Naruto turned around and walked out of the cave.

"Everything is coming into place," Naruto mumbled. Kisame was confused.

"What do you mean brat?" yelled out Kisame. He grumbled and ran after the boy.

"We are going back to Konoha," stated Naruto. Kisame looked shocked.

"Do you need your head examined? We just came from there!" Naruto replaced the hat that concealed his identity over his head.

"We are not going for another confrontation."
"Huh? What is it then? A personal visit?"
"You could say it is." Kisame remained confused. Naruto turned to him and sighed. "If I want my timeline of events to happen exactly how I want them to happen, I need a few things to fall in place at precisely the right time. Two of them already have. I need three more. For my next move, I must go to Konoha," explained Naruto as if it were obvious.

"You act as if that answers anything. What is your great plan exactly?" Naruto hid his first grin in years under his hat.


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