Deku Snapped

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a/n~ i don't own any of the art :)
give me some ideas for some one shots!! (No Smut idk how to right that -3-)

"C'mon Deku! What're you? Scared?!"

"So weak! Can't even throw a decent punch!"

"Do you actually think you can beat me?!"

This was all happening during partner fighting. You were supposed to attack each other, figuring out your weaknesses and such, and it ends when someone uses the capture tape or when someone goes out of bounds.

Of course, Bakugou and Deku are together. Of course Bakugo had insisted on throwing his tape to the side and Deku's was blown up somewhere.

Everybody else's fight was over and they were patiently and eagerly waiting for Bakuou's and Deku's to be over. It was the last class on a Friday, of course everybody wants to start their weekends.

"Is that the best you've got!?"

"Weakless Nerd!"

"Like you'll ever be a hero! Let alone Number 1!"

A quiet, "Shut up." was heard on the platform.

"Excuse me?" Bakugou said, as he was taken aback by the others words.

"Shut up." Deku repeated.

"You've sure have some guts Nerd, to be talkin' to me like that." Bakugou said. He then started to slowly approach Deku. He had noticed that he was less than a foot away from the edge of the platform, out of bounds. Bakugou wanted the satisfaction of pushing him out or even throwing him, that would do.

Bakugou had been about 5 feet away from him when Deku had looked up. He looked at Bakugou and then turned around, and then... hopped off the platform.

Audible gasps were heard from the mouths of  1-A and widened eyes were visible on Aizawa Sensei. Deku had then started to walk to the locker rooms, a frustrated look on his face.

"Uhhh, Bakugo is the winner. Head to the locker rooms, change, head to the dorms and continue on with your day." Aizawa had announced as calmly as possible. The students headed to their appropriate lockers rooms, slowly small conversations began to appear.

*Time Skip*

Kirishima, Denki, Ochaco, Iida, Tsuyu, Mina, and Momo were all in the common room and Bakugou had just gotten down from the elevator and was walking over. He gradually began to hear the conversation taking place.

".... ouldn't someone go check on him?" Kirishima asked.

"Yea, Todoroki went up there a couple minutes ago." Uraraka responded

"I wonder why he acted like that. I mean, it's not the first time Bakugou was yelling insults mid fight?" Denki questioned.

"Kero, but they were more frequent, kero."

Suddenly, Ochaco got a call. "Sorry guys"


"Uraraka can you get up to Izuku's room?" It was Todoroki and his voice was hurried and frantic. Choked sobs were heard from the background.

"I told you not to call! I'll be fine, just go Todoroki!"

"I'll be right there!"

"No! Don't let her in! Todoroki go! Stop!"

Uraraka stood up abruptly and ran to the elevator, repeatedly slamming the button, completely forgetting about the conversation.

"Man that totally sucks, I hope Mido's okay." Mina said.

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