Roof Access

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a/n ~ i would like to start off by saying
this isnt a bakudeku lovey dovey
oneshot. it doesnt even mention
if theyre dating or were gonna date.
this was just an idea i had because i
said a neon sign that said roof access
and i was like oh~ depressed izuku...
enjoy the story 🖤


The words 'Roof Access' shone so brightly on the top of the doorway.

They mesmerized Midoriya. He stared at them with a longing that shouldn't be legal.

'I'm finally gonna do it.' He thought

It was about a year since Bakugou had told Midoriya to jump off the roof and pray. It had been about 3 months ago when Midoriya had actually thought of the option.

'It's not a bad idea.' He'd think over and over again.

He began his up tread of the 4 flights. On top of the 1A dormitory, is where he'll fall from.

"If he finally made it into U.A, why does he still want to kill himself?" You may ask...

The reason being was the original reason itself. Katsuki Bakugou.

Just because Bakugou had finally begun a real path to becoming a hero, doesn't mean his attitude let up anymore than in middle school.

Sure he couldn't beat Deku up behind the school anymore, at least 3 people were always training, but verbal abuse was just as fun. Right?

Fun for one person that is.

~2nd Flight~

Bakugou also couldn't yell insults in the middle of class anymore. If he wanted to keep his spot in 1A or in U.A in general, he had to keep up a better act in front of teachers.

Since they got dorm rooms Bakugou has been having even more fun. When Deku just so happens to fall down a flight of stairs it's not his fault. When Deku dinner or breakfast suddenly get laced with some Mad Dog hot sauce, that's not his fault either.

Just a coincidence.

But Deku knew. He always knew. He knew it was Bakugou.

Who else. Nobody knows how he was quirkless before. Only Bakugou and All Might. All Might also doesn't show up and trip you down the stairs or put hot sauce in your Katsudon.

This was just the price he had to pay for making it into U.A. He's fine with that. At least he thought.

~3rd Flight~

Sure the bullying wasn't as severe as before but it still left scares, physically and mentally.

"Man Midobro how'd you get all those scars?"

"Scars? Oh scars! I was just a clumsy kid!" Was Midoriya's excuse. They were changing in the locker rooms. His shirt was off. Now all the boys knew about his scars.

"I don't know, those look pretty recent. Like at least within a year?"

"I can assure you these are all old Kirishima-kun!"

"Then assure me. What's that one from."


"And this one is for being a quirkless loser!" Bakugou said as he flung his 'classmate' into a chair.

He stomped his way off to the bloody, bruised, and broken teenager.

"And this last one is for living!" He seethed. Bakugou suddenly latched his hand on Midoriya's stomach and let off a ripple of explosions. First tearing the uniform, then tearing skin.

"Ahhhh!" He cried. He squirmed and wiggled, trying to get out of Bakugou's grasp. Useless.

He woke up around 8pm. He limped his way home and was rushed to the hospital afterwards. He refused to say who had done it.

*Flashback End*

"Oh, just burned myself." He said casually, "Boiling hot water, was making spaghetti." He giggled. He lied like a pro.

~4th Flight~

Midoriya came back to his senses and stopped thinking of the past. The grip on his suicide note got tighter in his left hand.

The note had mostly been directed at Bakugou. Saying how he hopes his behaviour will lighten at the least and that as a ghost he'll watch over him for the better.

Midoriya was depressed and it wasn't hard to see that. His grades slipped. Happiness? Gone. Laugh? Gone. Mumbling? Gone. His skin was pale, he had bags under his eyes, and his eyes didn't shine anymore. They looked like pulls of green mud.

This last week Midoriya stopped caring completely. Several people tried to talk to him, even Koji, but nobody could get an answer.

During workouts he sat on a bench and no homework got turned in.

He slept in class and refused to stick around for lunch.

No one knew what was wrong with him.

They decided not to pry any further.

What's wrong?

Midoriya looked at the letters that shone so brightly at the top of the doorway.

They pulled him in. He stared at them with a longing that shouldn't be legal.

'I'm finally gonna do it.' He thought, and smiled.

~Roof Access~


a/n ~ angstyyyy

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