Heaven or Hell

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Where The Person You Hurt The Most
Chooses Your Fate
You : Bakugou Katsuki
Chooser : Midoriya Izuku

Bakugou calmly woke up on a nice tan padded sofa. There was a chair in front of him, other than that the room was empty. A robotic voice erupted through the room.

"Bakugou Katsuki. Age 25. Cause of Death? Villain Attack." Bakugou's mouth hung, shocked. He died? Woah. The voice started again, "Midoriya Izuku is to choose your fate, heaven or hell."

In the chair in front of him appeared the greenette he hadn't seen since middle school. The same male who took his advice literally and took his life that very night. He saw the male take a deep breath before starting his process to choose.

Bakugou already knew that he would choose Hell. Of course Midoriya would. With all the trouble he caused the freckled boy, he deserves it.

"Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over, but had me believe it was always something that I'd done," Midoriya started, "But I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say. So I won't."

Midoriya chose Heaven.

"Kacchan, as much as you might think you deserve to go to Hell, you've saved a lot of people. I'm glad you've fixed your mistakes after not being able to save me." Bakugou began to cry.

"Change it! Put me in hell where I belong! Stop pitying me!" Bakugou yelled. Midoriya stood and threw an arm around Bakugou.

"You're 25. Stop being a big baby. Come on stand up. I'll show you around Heaven. It's pretty cool." With a sour look and red eyes, the blonde stood and followed Midoriya out an appearing door.

He had expected Midoriya to be cold-hearted to him. To show no mercy and not even give a speech. He expected the boy that he killed to want to kill him as well.

Obviously, that was not the case.

~Alternate Ending~

Bakugou already knew that he would choose Heaven. Of course Midoriya would. With as great of a hero Bakugou was, he deserves it.

"Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over, but had me believe it was always something that I'd done," Midoriya started, "But I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say. But I will."

Midoriya chose Hell.

"Kacchan, as much as you might think you deserve to go to heaven because of all the people you've saved, you don't.'

"You hurt me enough that I wanted to kill myself and went through with it. You were my one and only friend, but you let your pride and ego blind you so heavily. Words can't express how much I despise you." Midoriya stood as 2 appearing doors formed on either side of the room. One red, one white.

"Say hello to my father for me. I'm sure you too will get along just well." Without letting Bakugou say a word, he left through the white door. Bakugou shook in his seat, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

He looked at the red door, knowing that his fate was there. He had expected Midoriya to feel mercy for him. He expected him to be the same little boy that was blinded by one-sided friendship.

Obviously, that was not the case.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now