What Made You Think ?

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Bakugou had asked Midoriya to meet before school, outside of the dorms. Midoriya was nervous, yes, but him and Bakugou had been getting along better. The tempered blonde had been taking anger management and had been yelling at Deku less and less and instead asking for help.

So he assured himself that there was nothing to be afraid of.

So there they stood, outside the dorms. Bakugou's face is red and cold sweat drips down from his forehead.

"De- No, Midoriya." That was new.

"Yes, Kacchan?"

"I have something, I guess, important... to tell you." Now Midoriya is really nervous. Sure him and Bakugou were getting better but they weren't that close.

What could be so important that they need to meet before school hours. He fidgeted with his hands behind his back.

"O-Okay. What is it? Y-You can tell me." If possible Bakugou's face turned more into a strawberry. He adjusted the collar of his shirt and gulped.

"I um... I really... I really like you! And I wanted to know if I could take you out on a date sometime!" Midoriya was shocked. Bakugou liked him.

Why? How? For what? After all this time... Bakugou likes him? It was kind of unbelievable. No, like, really unbelievable.

Midoriya flushed. He was very flustered. He expected Bakugou to, well he didn't even know. Midoriya opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He began to play with the hem of his shirt and focused on the floor.

"Kacchan? What made you think I'd say yes?" He asked innocently. He looked back up at the blonde who looked completely defeated. Overlooking this however, Midoriya continued.

"You bullied me ever since we were 5 just because of your pride and ego. Because you thought I was lesser than you." He gripped his shirt tighter, "Y-You made me feel so weak and like I was nothing but a waste of space and you even t-told me to kill myself! What made you think I'd say yes!?"

"I know and I said I was sorry and I know sorry isn't always enough. Hell, it's never going to be enough for what I did to you for over a decade. I'm getting better, I promise. I-I just started to think of you differently lately. You're always on my mind and I'n always at peace when I think of you. I... I just really liked you."

Bakugou hugged his sides nervously. He knew everything Midoriya said was right. Did he actually expect the freckled boy to say yes? In reality he never thought of the answer Midoriya would give. Why hadn't he?

"But what made you think I would ever agree to go out with you?" Bakugou cringed at the harsh words. "Look I know that you're getting help but did you think that I would just forget my past 10 years of living just because you had feelings for me?"

"Of course not, Midoriya. I would never just expect you to ignore that. Never. I-In all honesty I never thought of the answer you'd give. I kind of just.. needed to tell you." Bakugou let his hands drop into his pockets and chewed on the inside of his cheek.

He turned back to Midoriya whose look was unexplainable. Bakugou sighed with a heavy heart, "I'll see you in class. I'm sorry for wasting your time. T-Thanks for an honest answer."

He walked back inside, leaving Midoriya to ponder. But what was there to ponder about. He gave Bakugou his answer and it was no. Bakugou looked sad but he took it and went on with his day. He should too.

So he did.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now