Do you ?

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a/n~ i am looking away 👀

"Bakugou Katsuki, do you take Izuku Midoriya as your lawfully wedded Husband?" The priest questioned.

"I do," Bakugou answered wholeheartedly.

"Midoriya Izuku, do you take Bakugou Katsuki as your lawfully wedded husband?" Bakugou felt tears well in his eyes of pure happiness.

He felt as if he'd waited for this day for so long, and he did. Years in fact. Him and Izuku had known each other since they were out the whom. They learned how to crawl together, walk together, how to speak, read, write, and all the old baby stuff that was now so sentimental to Katsuki.

He remembers...

He remembers their playdates and sleepovers and how they played with their hero figurines, mostly Katsuki saving Izuku.

He remembers their first day of pre-school when Izuku wouldn't let go of his hand. Then he remembers when he got his quirk. The Midoriya's came over and they celebrated with cookies and hero movies.

He also remembers that that day was him and Izuku's first kiss. They were huddled under a blanket on the couch and decided to try it out after seeing Katsuki's mother and father do it.

But then, he remembers when Izuku told him that he was quirkless. He remembers how badly he lashed out. Calling Izuku a Deku, worthless, loser who was at the bottom of the food chain.

In reality, he was hurt. They couldn't become the Wonder Duo anymore like they had planned anymore.

This hurt turned to hatred and he spread this hatred to everyone around him, telling them to belittle the quirkless loser of the school.

He made Izuku's elementary and middle school years a living hell. No more sleepovers, playdates, kisses, hugs, cookies, just hatred.

He even told Midoriya to kill himself. But he doesn't like to think about those years. He likes to think about highschool.

In 1st year, when he started to finally get help for his anger issues and had supporting friends, family, and teachers.

When his best friend uncovered and made him realize his real feelings for Izuku. That he didn't actually hate him, he loved him.

That year he slowly but surely began to get along with Izuku. Hanging out together, late night phone calls, study sessions, lunch outings, patrols, hero work, everything.

He loved and cherished every moment of it, even saying sorry at the end of the year.

In 2nd year is when he finally made his move. He asked Izuku on a date. They went to the movies, had dinner, drove around the outskirts of the city blasting music. Finally, Bakugou took Izuku on a hill overlooking the city. As the sun set.

He remembers looking at Izuku's curly locs blowing in the wind, seeing his eyes beautifully reflect the setting sun, watching his face and freckles glow in the golden sunlight, watching how his smile progressively got brighter as the sky got darker.

He remembers thinking how he wanted to be with this beauty for the rest of his life.

Afterwards, he dropped Izuku off at his house and remembered how Izuku initiated the passionate kiss they shared. That 1st date led to many, and it also led up to telling the class about their relationship 3 weeks later.

After getting with Izuku, highschool went by in a breeze. They often slept in each other's rooms, shared food, went on consistent dates, spent holidays and birthdays together, and were even the top of their class.

They were the school's star couple and the media's favorite up and coming heroes. Their lives were perfect.

He remembers them cheering for each other at their graduation. He even remembers the intimate night they spent together afterwards, both of their first times.

He remembers buying an apartment with his lover and he remembers starting real hero work. Going on missions, patrols, meetings, conferences, interviews everyday, just to come home and sleep with the warmth he called his boyfriend.

He remembers 3 years later he takes Izuku out to a fancy restaurant. He had a reservation on the top floor, where a single table lay with a large window.

He remembers how he had a photographer pose as their waiter to take the pictures. It was away from paparazzi, away from everyone, it was for just them.

He remembers how Izuku looked away just for a moment to overlook the city, oh how he loved the view of the city, and didn't see Katsuki get down on one knee.

He remembers the shock on his lovers face once he turned around but the immediate "Yes!" and hugs and kisses and intimate night that followed it.

He remembers the joy of announcing it to the world, hand in hand with his newly announced fiance.

He remembers the next year and a half was spent in pure bliss. He was just in love with the green headed dork who he woke up to every morning. He remembers buying a house, and the joy of planning their wedding.

Choosing the color scheme, tasting the foods they wanted, deciding the guests, the bestmen, bridesmaids, and groomsmen. Definitely won't be a traditional wedding.

He remembers his bachelor party and how crazy fun it was. He remembers planning their honeymoon, deciding to go to Hawaii, America.

He remembers his excessive dreams about saying "I do" and their intimate, loving times that would follow afterwards, only to be interrupted by waking up to peppered kisses on his face by a very familiar greenette. Definitely a good way to wake up.

He remembers talking with his fiance about the great times that would follow after their marriages and how they would grow old together and be buried next to each other to spend the after life together.

He remembered, he reminisced. All of these events led to now, today, this moment, this second. All of that, only to hear the words,

"I don't"

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now