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a/n ~ this one isnt angsty its
pretty fluflfy so enjoyyyy

"Hey Bakubro, you comin?" Kirishima asks.

"I'll gladly pass."

"Aww come onnnnn! You never go anywhere with us!"

"Yea your own squad too!" Mina buts in.

"You can't just tag along and come to the mall with us?" Sero asked.

"You always avoid ussssss." Kaminari whined.

"That's kinda the point. I'm going up to my room."

Bakugou proceeded to close his book and head for the stairs. However, instead of going into his own room, he did a slight turn and headed to Deku's.

'Hopefully his little friends aren't there.' Bakugou thought. Deep down he knew he was jealous of them, especially that half n half bastard, but he'd never admit it.

*Knock knock knock*

The door swung open. "Hi kacchan!" Midoriya smiled brightly.

"Hey Deku." Bakugou said as he pushed his way into the room and flopped on the bed.

They were now in their second year of U.A. and Bakugou and Midoriya, mostly Bakugou, had learned to get along with each other. Maybe a little too comfortable? But they didn't care.

"Rough day?" Bakugou shook his head. He just needed a good sleep and he'll be back to himself. Midoriya came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What happened then?"

"C~~dd~es." Bakugou's voice had been muffled by the sheets.

"I can't hear you." Midoriya chuckled. So Bakugou raised his head and repeated, "Cuddles."

"Aww Kaachan~" Midoriya giggled once again. "Of course hehe."

Midoriya then laid down next to Bakugou. Bakugou shifted so that his head was on Midorya's chest, his arm was wrapped around the others waist, and one of his legs was moved onto the other's legs.

Midoriya moved comfortably as well. He put his one hand in Bakugou's hair and lightly stroked his fingers through, and his other hand was resting on Bakugou's back.

The playing of his hair instantly made Bakugou tired. Soon enough soft snores were heard which made Midoriya start to drift as well.

They were both peacefully asleep.

*Time Skip to That Night*

Kirishima burst into the room. "Hey Midoriya have you seen Bakug-... ohhhhh." He continued to take out his phone and snap a couple pictures before taking his leave.

The sudden intrusion hadn't woken either of the two up. They were both in deep sleep at this point. The only thing bad about this? They missed Karaoke Night.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now