Moving In

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a/n~ not dead 😱 i actually didnt realize how long it had been since i updated . i sowwyyy :)

Izuku huffed lightly as he placed down the heavy box in his new kitchen. He walked back to the living room where his significant other stood.

"T-That was the last box babe," He informed the other.

The man he was talking to, a tall, blonde, red eyed, male named Bakugou, turned around and smiled at his husband, "Alrighty then. Let's start unpacking." Izuku smiled and nodded.

After setting up the kitchen, living room, and down stairs bathroom, the 2 were half dead.

After sitting on their new couch for a while, the greenette asked, "How about I make some lemonade?" A nod from the blonde and he was up in less than a second.

Katsuki got up and headed outside on their front porch, sitting on the steps.

There was a gentle breeze, the sun was high in the sky, it was nice and quiet in their new neighborhood. Bakugou heard the door swing open in a frenzy.

"Oh, there you are. I couldn't find you." The short freckled male frowned and sighed, finding a spot next to Katsuki on the steps.

He handed the other their glass of citrus before taking a sip of his own.

A rough calloused hand made their way to Izuku's shoulder, pulling him in close. "Relax baby. I'm not going anywhere. Especially not after this."

He puts down his glass and holds up his left hand, revealing a ring which twinkled and gleamed in the sunlight. He kissed Izuku's cheek.

Izuku giggled, "Oh shut up. Stupid Kacchan." He got a chuckle in return.

Around 30 minutes later they returned to unpacking their new house.

Around 5 hours later all bathrooms, bedrooms, the porch and patio, etc, were all furnished, decorated, and finished.

They made and ate dinner together, jokes and laughs flying over the table. After washing and drying the dishes, they took a shower together.

Most of it consisted of Bakugou teasing Izuku about his ass, which he did in fact like, while lathering the other's hair.

Once Izuku had enough of it, he turned around and struck Katsuki in the dick. He turned back around to rinse his hair out, ignoring the whales of pain behind him.

In the next hour, they were dressed in pj's and cuddling in bed. Izuku was laying on his back with Bakugou's head on his chest.

The blonde's arms were wrapped around Izuku's waist, the greenette's hands were playing with spiky soft hair on Bakugou's head.

Their breathing calmed as their eyes began to close.

"Kacchan," Izuku said in a sing songy voice, "I love you~"

"I know Deku. I love you too. I love you so much Bakugou Izuku."

They cuddled into each other some more before finally drifting off into their dreams.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now