New Years

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A certain greenette skipped down his long distance boyfriend's hallway to his apartment, luggage in toe. It was New Year's Eve and he was surprising his lover by coming back to Japan from America.

He smiled widely as he spotted the door number. He bounced on his toes as he stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. They had been dating for 5 years and 2 years ago, Deku was sent off for a serious mission in the U.S.

Of course they had frequent calls, telling each other about their missions and regular days, despite the time zone difference of course. They spent Birthday's, Holiday's, Anniversaries, and even Valentine's day over the phone.

Midoriya thought it was all going good. As far as Bakugou knew, his lover was coming back at the end of February. So Midoriya thought this was a great surprise. A whole 2 months early.

He knocked on the door, heart beating with anticipation. After a few stomping footsteps, he heard the door clock and saw it slowly move open.

A disheveled, drunken, hickey covered, shirtless, Bakugou opened the door. Both their eyes widened for different reasons. Behind Bakugou, a voice filled the room.

"Bakubro! Who's at the door? Come back to bed!"

Tears filled Midoriya's eyes as he held a hand up to his mouth. Bakugou came to his senses and stepped out, closing the door. Midoriya took a step away from him.

"Deku, I thought you weren't coming home til' February?"

"D-Does it matter?" Midoriya responded, shakenly, tears streaming down his face. "I thought... I thought I could trust you..." Bakugou studied Midoriya. A shower of regret rained over him. Midoriya angrily whipped fat tears from his cheeks. It's been a while since he's cried.

"If you didn't love me anymore, you could've just told me! You didn't have to lead me on and have me think our relationship was going smoothly!"

Bakugou was angry now, "No long distance relationship goes smoothly, you idiot!"

"Then why did you make me think this one was!?"

"I didn't want to hurt you!" There was silence between the 2. They just stared into each other's eyes expectantly, waiting for the other to say something. Meanwhile, Midoriya couldn't believe the bullshit he had just heard from a cheater's mouth. Bakugou didn't know what he was doing. The apartment door swung open.

"Baku- Midoriya!?" Green eyes stared at the 2 in disgust. Kirishima was also shirtless and only had boxers on. Incoming bruises were forming on his chest. Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows.

"And with your 'best friend' too, Katsuki?" Midoriya spat out. He sucked up his tears, that very much needed to come out, and grabbed his luggage. "You're a bitch, Bakugou. If you don't like someone, just tell em'. It hurts more if you lead them on." He walked back down the hall towards the elevator, leaving the other 2 to watch in discomfort.


"0/10 experience. Worst New Years, would not recommend," Midoriya angrily commented under a 'How Is Your New Years Going? ;)' post, as the elevator went back down to the lobby.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now