Love Potion

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"Bakubro! Here's your coffee!" Kirishima said as he handed Bakugou the drink.

"Why the hell did you make my coffee!?" Bakugou scowled. Kirishima smirked and just walked away, over to Midoriya. Bakugou rolled his eyes and continued to drink the coffee.

It was disgusting.

But why was his throat burning? And his eyes felt disoriented and his mind was blurry? Why is the Fucking Nerd walking over to him?

"Hey Kacchan! Kirishima-kun told me you wanted to see me? Which is kind of hard to believe, because you don't like me that much," He awkwardly scratched his neck, waiting for Bakugou to speak, but he didn't.

He stared at Bakugou who looked at him dazed.

"Kacchan?... Are you sick?"

"...You look so pretty Deku~" By this point, Bakugou had lost all sense. All he wanted was Midoriya Izuku. Him, his mind, his love, his body~

"K-K-K-Kacchan! What?!" Bakugou latched him in a tight hug and started to kiss all up his neck. "Kacchan! What are y-you doing!?"

Midoriya heard giggling behind him. Midoriya turned around, now being hugged and kissed from behind.

"What did you guys- Kacchan stop! What did you guys do?!" His face was burning red because Bakugou was now putting a hickey on his neck.

"We told him his drink was coffee," More laughing, "But it was actually a love at first sight drink mixed with aphrodisiacs!" The Bakusquad boys laughed, eventually ending up on the floor.

"S-So, he's h-horny and i-in l-love!?"

"With you!" Kirishima squealed.

Bakugou turned Midoriya around and kissed Midoriya right in the lips. Midoriya was shocked.


"You're the most beautiful person in this world~ I love you so much~" Midoriya blushed.


"I wanna kiss you," Kiss. "And hug you," Kiss. "And love you." Kiss. "And make love to you~" Big kiss. "So come on~ Let's go up to my room, Izuku~" Bakugou cooed. His hot breath on Midoriya's neck made Midoriya shiver and then he finally came back to his senses.

"Wait a minute! K-Kacchan.. You don't wanna do this! This isn't you! You hate me!"

"How can someone as beautiful as you be hated? Nobody can hate you and your plump lips and cute face and tight ass!" Bakugou kissed him on the lips again. Midoriya's face burned. Was this Bakugou or the drink speaking because he couldn't tell.

Midoriya looked down because he felt something poking him.

"Ka-Kacchan! W-Why do y-you-!"

"It's a boner sweetheart~ and it's gonna be in you pretty soon~" Bakugou swooped Midoriya up and over his shoulder. "Nice ass~"

"Kacchan!" Midoriya squirmed around as best he could but to no use. Kirishima and the others just sat back and watched as Midoriya got dragged into the elevator.

"Wait a minute! Mmhm~"


The Next Day~

Kirishima looked at Bakugou confused and then leaned up to Kaminari,

"Why does Bakugou refuse to sit down? And why is Midoriya unbelievably happy?"

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now