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Your soulmate is the name that appears on your wrist when you're 16 years of age.

Removing a soulmate is the process of 'Red Ink'. You take red ink and cross out your soulmates name.

You are able to have a different soulmate by writing a different name after the Red Ink process, only if this 'new' soulmate wholeheartedly agrees.

However, your chance of staying with and loving your 'new' soulmate in the future is lessened from 100% to 50%.

Once this is done, it is not changeable. It's only doable once and you can never go back to your first soulmate.

"You're a fucking asshole! I hate you! Do you know how much pain you're causing me!?"


Midoriya stood in the bathroom with a happy grin on his face. It was his 16th birthday, meaning he'd finally know who his soulmate was.

He pulled down the arm sleeve of his pajame and focused his eyes on the life changing words. Literally.

His smile dropped, heart stopped, thinking stuttered, and his eyes watered. What the hell?

'Katsuki Bakugou'

He had the urge to take the red pen on his desk and scratch through the lines a million times,

except it was already scratched out.

Through a faze of shock, Midoriya let out a painful gasp. Hot tears ran down his face and his hand trembled.

It's not like he liked the blond. He truly didn't. In fact, a while ago he had given up on trying to be the blonds friend and completely let it go.

He focused his life on his great new friend and pursuing his hero life. A soulmate was a 3rd thought when it came to life.

He would've tried to love the scarlet eyed as a soulmate would. He would've tried to get along with him. Midoriya would've tried.

But what hurt the most? Bakugou didn't. He sat on his egotistical little ass in the common room, fingers locked with an optimistic spiky red head.

Bakugou knew that Midoriya was his soulmate and didn't even bother telling him before he scratched out the name in red ink.

The tears burned through Midoriya's cheeks as they became hot with anger. Midoriya was furious.

Not only this but that meant he was either lying to Kirishima or Kirishima didn't even know.

Roughly, he wiped his tears and stormed out his bathroom and out his room. He made his way down to the common room and was immediately bombarded with loads of 'Happy Birthday' s, although they noticed his angry demeanor.

Uraraka spoke first.

"D-Deku-kun? Are you okay?"

"Midoriya? You look like you've been crying. Are you hurt?" Todoroki said, concerned.

"I-I'm f-..." Did he want to lie? His friends were always there for him, so did they deserve the rage he wanted to unleash right now?

"Midoriya, you know you can tell us anything right? It's probably about your soulmate right?" With those words from Todoroki Midoriya knew his answer.

He pushed past his friend and went right to the couches, where Bakugou and his 'lover' sat, hand in hand.

"What the fuck do you want Deku!?" Bakugou said as soon as he noticed him.

"Nande!? Naze watashi o nikumu nodesu ka!?

"Woah, woah! Midoriya relax!" Kirishima said as he felt the need to immediately defuse the situation.

"You're a fucking asshole! I hate you! Do you know how much pain you're causing me!?"

"What the fuck are you talking about-" Midoriya didn't want any bullshit. He grabbed Bakugou by the collar and got right in his face. Bakugou tried to remove the arm but it was no use since Midoriya used his quirk.

"You want to know what I'm talking about?" Midoriya ripped down his sleeve and shoved the red ink crossed out name in his face, "I'm talking about this!"

Bakugou went wide eyed and cringed. He rushed to move Midoriya's arm out the view of Kirishima, but it was too late.


"You're a horrible human being! You couldn't have at least told me before you so carelessly scratched it out!?" The tears began again but instead on 2 faces.

"M-Midoriya, are you sure it's not another name? K-Katsuki told me I-I was his soulmate." Kirishima looked at Midoriya with pleading eyes, begging it to be no more than just a cruel, very cruel, prank.

Bakugou sat motionless and silent.

"So Kirishima didn't even know? You're a real prick, y'know that?"

Everyone in the common room watched with interest and unease.

"I love Kirishima alright! Deal with it!"

"And that's okay! B-But why didn't you at least tell me!" Bakugou stood and towered over Deku to be intimidating.

"It's not like we would've worked out anyway! Why don't you care what I think huh!? Exactly, you don't! Not everyones going to love you and especially not me! You're a stuck up brat who thinks the world revolves around you! Reality check, it doesn't, you worthless Deku!"

Midoriya fumed at these words until he was pulled away by todoroki. Different thoughts and opinions circled around the 1A Common Room. Even Aizawa was called and was making his way over from the teacher's lounge.

"Midoriya calm down. You know the words he said aren't true. Especially his."

"Todoroki, you don't understand! I'll never be able to love someone else without ruining someone else's chance at love! I-I'll be able to live my life with someone, my soulmate." Midoriya broke down in tears as Todoroki held him and stroked his fingers through his hair. Uraraka and Iida stood by carefully, not wanting to hurt their sensitive friend anymore.

Meanwhile, Kirishima wanted answers.

Kirishima hadn't had his birthday yet, therefore his soulmate's name wasn't on his wrist. However, on Bakugou's birthday, Bakugou had claimed that Kirishima's name was written on his wrist.

Bakugou being his crush, Kirishima didn't think twice about whether he was lying or not. Who lies about a soulmate? He never thought twice to ask to see the name and admire. He wholeheartedly believed Bakugou. That allowed the blond to scratch out Midoriya's name and claim the spot as Kirishima's.

"You lied to me!" Kirishima shouted. His face was hot, his mind was filled with thoughts like ants on a potato chip at a picnic, and thick tears streamed down his face.

"I didn't lie to you Ei-"

"Yes you did! Now you ruined your chances at love and Midoriya's! Midoriya isn't a brat! He cares for everyone before himself! He's selfless! Nothing like you! Did you even think about the consequences that would happen when you scratched out his name!?"

Bakugou looked blankly at Kirishima, shocked.

"W-Wait, what do you mean ruined my chances at love!?"

"Obviously my soulmate isn't you! Why do you think I would stay with an inconsiderate asshole like you!?" Kirishima smacked Bakugou, and hard, "Rot in hell you bastard!"

He was taken away by Kaminari and Sero in a hurry. Kirishima was hurt beyond words. He was deceived and felt manipulated. He hated Bakugou.

Aizawa finally arrived and took Kirishima, Midoriya, and Bakugou with him to 'talk'.

Bakugou fucked up.

a/n~ thanks for 5k views and 150 votes!! trust me they are very much appreciated<3 keep commenting too they're nice to laugh at :)

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