The Other Bakugou

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On a totally normal Saturday at around 11am, another Bakugou appeared.

He was more handsome than Bakugou, buffer, taller.. tattooed, shirtless, and only wore a cape and pants with a sword on his hips, and the list goes on. He was from a completely different era. Literally.

Oh, and Bakugou hated him. Why? Because of course this Bakugou had to be so interested in the person he 'hated' the most. According to the other Bakugou, Midoriya was his husband from where he came from.

"It's kinda chilly in here.." Kaminari mentioned innocently.

Izuku agreed, "You're right Kami." And before anyone else could say anything else, the other Bakugou had swapped his cape around him and pulled him in tightly.

"Don't fret, my love~ I'll keep you warm~" Midoriya blushed but happily accepted the new found warmth. Really, the other Bakugou was enjoying Midoriya's body up against his, but that's not the point!

Bakugou couldn't stand how close they were.

A couple hours later, Midoriya had trouble reaching something in the kitchen. I mean, come on, the cabinets were 6 foot in the air. Midoriya was 5'2.

So of course, the other Bakugou thought it was necessary to pick him up by his waist and admire the greenette's ass as he reached what he needed. But his ass is Not. The. Point!

"T-Thanks, Kacchan."

"Anything for you, My Izuku~"

Bakugou has never felt this angry before.

Around dinner time. The other Bakugou claimed that Izuku was not allowed to eat this 'revolting food' and he would whip something else himself. Bakugou rolled his eyes as he slurped the soup that was provided for them.

A few minutes later the other Bakugou sat Izuku in his lap with a hot bowl of Katsudon in his hand. He picked up the spoon,

"I made this Katsudon specially for you. It has your favorite sauce too~ Say ahh~"

"Ahhh," Midoriya said happily. Bakugou spoon fed Midoriya the food and watched him chew happily. Mostly focused on his pink lips but that's not the point! Well, I guess that was the point because then he kissed them.

Midoriya was surprised but naturally melted into it. I mean, they were together in another world right? What's the danger?

Bakugou was the danger. At a table behind them he sat with Todoroki who slurped his soba. He had ended up gripping his bowl so hard that it cracked and exploded.

He. Was. Livid.

a/n~ i might make that one other one shot into a book.. no promises tho ~3~

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