Kiss ?

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a/n~ Based off the picture above^^

Midoriya woke up from his afternoon nap around 6pm. He rubbed the sleep out his eyes as he sat up and started for the door. He was hungry so why not make some dinner?

Everyone was down in the common room and greeted a tired Midoriya as he entered.

He stepped over to the kitchen and looked through some food options until he decided on ramen. Once he was done, he sat at an empty table and began to eat.

... The Bakusquad teased Bakugou as he stared at his boyfriend make his food.

"Awww! Look at Bakuhoe being all lovey dovey~" Mina squealed.

"Shut it, Pinky!"

Sero turned around and started to have a fake makeout session pretending it was Bakugou and Midoriya.

Kaminari and Kirishima chanted, "Bakubro has a crush~ Bakubro has a crush~!"

Bakugou fumed, "Of course I do, you Asshats!! He's my fuckin' boyfriend." He angrily got off the couch and went to the table where his boyfriend was lazily eating.

"Oh, hey Kacchan!" Midoriya smiled. Bakugou blushed dramatically and turned away.

"Tch! How was your nap, Nerd?"

"It was good. I think I only woke up because I was hungry though?" He contemplated. "How was your afternoon?" He slurped some more ramen.

"It was fine. Those Shitty Extras won't stop bugging me!"

"About what? And we agreed on you not calling them extras!"

"Whatever! And it was about... about..." Of course they were just teasing him about Izuku, but he just felt embarrassed saying it, "Nothing important."

"Hmm, are you sure Katsuki~?" Bakugou turned into a tomato as he faced the greenette. Midoriya only used that name to tease but when it rolled off his tongue, man was Bakugou on cloud 9.

Midoriya laughed and rolled his eyes then continued eating. He finished soon enough and went to go wash his bowl in the sink. Bakugou followed, still being grumpy from his friends' and lovers' antics earlier.

"Kacchan, what's wrong?" Midoriya questioned as he dried the bowl.

"You know what's wrong idiot!"

Midoriya got on his tippy toes to put the bowl away in the cabinet. "Anything I can do to make it up?"

"Kiss..?" He grumbled.

"You have to speak up, Silly."

"Kiss?" Midoriya flushed but then a bright smile showed on his face.

"Sure Kacchan!" He moved to place his hands on his shoulders and lean up to his boyfriends lips, but his hands were slapped away.

He peered up at the grumpy pomeranian. His face was red and his face formed a pout.

"No touch! Only kiss!" Midoriya giggled but kissed his boyfriend with 'no touch'.

"You're weird, Kacchan."

"And you taste like ramen."

They went to go sit on the couch with the rest of their comrades and enjoyed the remainder of the day.

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