I'm Leaving

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"I'm leaving."

"You're what?"

"I'm leaving!" Midoriya shouted again.

"After all we've been through!?" Bakugou shouted back.

"Through what!? The pain and heartache? Kacchan, I can't live like this anymore!"

"I can change! I'll do better!"

Midoriya rolled his eyes as he began to pack a small bag, "That's what you said the last time! And the time before that! And that! And look at you! You're still the same!"

Bakugou grabbed his hair in frustration then punched a hole through the wall. Midoriya stared in disbelief as tears began to well in his eyes. He started to pack quicker.

"You're not leaving."

"Yes I am!"

"You're not leaving," Bakugou stated again. Midoriya stood fast and began to exit their used to be shared room. He was about to run down the stairs before he was pushed down instead.

He landed with a hard thump on his head. His vision was spotted with black dots and all around fuzzy. Somehow he still got the strength to stand up and bolt towards the door.

He was grabbed by his hair and pulled back, "I told you you're not leaving!" The grip on his hair was tight, forcing more tears to escape his fear filled eyes.

Bakugou was abusive. Very abusive. He was thrown against the wall and glared down at.

"Just let me leave!" He cried out, "It'll be better for the both of us!"

"But I love you! You wouldn't leave someone who loves you! Or are you heartless! Are you a heartless Deku? Huh!?"

Midoriya looked through tears at the raging blonde. It would be selfish to leave someone who loves you, wouldn't it? But Bakugou hurts him so much. He remembered the scars on his arms and legs and back, the bruises that littered his stomach. Should he...

"Well!?" He yelled as he kneeled down and got a tight grip on Midoriya's wrist, "Are you heartless!?"

"No! No! I'm not heartless! I swear I'm not! B-But.. I.. You hurt me!"

"I only hurt you because I love you! So? Will you leave someone just because they hurt you a little bit?" More tears escaped Midoriya's face as he shook his head no.

"Then put all that shit you put in that bag away and stay the fuck here!" Bakugou pushed Midoriya's head into the wall once more before standing back up. Midoriya scrambled to get up, a new found bruise forming on his wrist and a painful headache.

He grabbed the bag and went back upstairs, putting all the stuff away before he was ordered to go and make dinner. He sniffled back tears as he cooked and placed the curry in the bowls. They ate silently at their dinner table, not even exchanging a glance.

"You know I love you right?" Bakugou said as they laid down in their bed. Midoriya's breath hitched. "You're taking a while to respond," Bakugou said through clenched teeth.

"Yes, I know you love me," He stated blandly.

"And you love me right?"

"Yes, I love you Kacchan."

Bakugou was manipulative. Very Manipulative.

Alternate Ending:

He grabbed the bag and went back upstairs, putting all the stuff away before he was ordered to go and make dinner. He sniffled back tears as he cooked, reaching into the supply cabinet near the kitchen for some rat poison.

He carefully placed it in the pot and put it back where it was found, unnoticed. He innocently put the food in the bowls and sat with his 'lover'.

Being greedy, Bakugou dug in without a sorry or a thanks. When he saw Midoriya wasn't eating he stopped and stared.

"Why aren't you eating?" Midoriya smiled softly as he saw Bakugou's eyes pinch slightly and his face contorted.

"You fucker." Were the last words Bakugou spoke as he slumped in his chair and his head slammed in his bowl of food.

Bakugou was dead. Very dead.

a/n~ midoriya said yoonbum style!! except it worked...

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