Unfinished Ones

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These stories were too short to have their own chapters so they're "unfinished"

Bakugou was taking a stroll around his neighborhood, cooling off from a heated argument with his mother. It was peaceful and all until he heard a large thump in front of him.

He looked down as a groan came from the person on the floor. The person rubbed their forehead lightly as a red tint appeared on it.

Bakugou spotted a phone a few feet away, decided it was theirs and decided to be nice. He picked it up and tapped the person on the shoulder.

"Is this yours?" The person looked up and Bakugou froze. They had big beautiful green eyes, spotted with tears of pain from going head first into a light pole, and the cutest dotted freckles Katsuki had ever seen.

Bakugou had been staring too long though, seeming as the stranger now had to tap him for attention.

"U-Um, y-yes it is mine. C-Could I ha-have it?"

"O-O shit! Sorry! Here!" He pulled the stranger up to his feet, along with shoving the phone in his hand.

"T-Thanks! Sorry!" The beautiful man began to scurry away, still rubbing his forehead, but Bakugou had different plans. He grabbed the guys arm and pulled him back gently.

"D-Do you think... I could maybe have your number?"


Bakugou and Midoriya cuddled in their bed. Midoriya had his face shoved in Bakugou's boobies, his hands flat on the blond's stomach. Bakugou had his arms wrapped around the smaller's body, his face stuffed in the curly hair. Their legs were intertwined under the sheets.

Bakugou took a deep breath, trying to relax into the touch. Instead, he cringed and pulled back. Deku, half asleep, was confused.

"Is something wrong?"

"You bought new shampoo, right?" Midoriya nodded his head, still trying to figure out what the problem was.

"I don't like it," Bakugou grumbled before fixing their position so he didn't have to smell the unlikeable shampoo.


With an unpleased face, Midoriya leaned up against a store building. He was in Time Square, doing Christmas shopping with his friend Bakugou.

Somewhere, in the midst of the crowd, they had lost each other. Bakugou wasn't picking up his phone and he wasn't responding to calls of his name.

Midoriya sighed and tried to call his friend once more.

'The person you are trying to contact-'

A frustrated groan escaped Midoriya's mouth. He had no way of contacting his friend, unless... Midoriya pushed off the building with a smirk. He knew this oddly weird thing that would have Bakugou running to him.

He acted as if he was texting on his phone and said, "Looks like Todoroki wants to hang-"

"Fucking Deku!! Where the fuck were you!?"

'Works every time,' He thought, 'Didn't even get to finish my sentence.'

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now