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a/n~ take this while I finish part 2! a little bit of angst

The sun rose over the city, releasing it's vibrant and at the same time dull yellows and oranges. With it came the early morning breeze, making the crusty brown autumn leaves scratch against the hard concrete of the sidewalk.




A short boy with green and black untamable hair walked down that sidewalk. He purposely stepped on the leaves, enjoying the crunch sound they made as he foot stamped them further into the ground.

Other morning goers didn't bother him as they walked. They walked right past him, through him, and continued on with their first task of the day.

He turned into a gated area. Grass stretched for miles. Over it lay grey stones, engraved with the names of the former living. The dead.

There were no more leaves to crunch as he walked to his destination. Only gravel, an occasional rock to kick.

He walked further into the silent place, where the more 'recently dead', laid to rest. Now he had to walk on the grass. Dew from earlier morning caught onto his shoes, soaking the water into the material, making a deeper red.

He arrived at his destination. He sat next to the person already there. They weren't aware of his presence and weren't going to notice anytime soon. Never, will they notice his presence.

He stroked the blondes back, wishing he could comfort him. He said things like, "It's ok Kacchan" and "I'm here for you" but the blonde seemed to outright ignore him.

The greenette knew he wasn't, but couldn't help but feel as though he was.

Tears ran down the blonde's pale face. His hair was matted and bags drooped noticeably under his eyes. His lips were chapped and his breath stunk. His clothes stuck to him like a sticker and they too, stunk.

He was in a broken state. Having the love of your life taken away from you does a number.

The curly headed boy stood away from the blonde boy, his own tears present on his faded face. He still had his hero costume on. He still had the dried blood in his hair. He still had the bullet encased in his skull.

The one that killed him. The one that took him away.

The short boy took one last look at his grave stone, 'Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya - Will Forever Be In Our Hearts', before walking away. He turned out of the cemetery, finally able to crunch on the dead autumn leaves.

The last sound he heard before his life was taken.




𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now