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a/n~ 3K READS ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! That's ridiculous!!!! thanks you so muchh T~T and i love the comments you guys put!! hope you enjoyyy

Alexander: Katsuki
Angelica: Izuku
Elizabeth: Shouto
For legal reasons: Shouto is still a bride.


"Alright, Alright!" Denki begins, "That's what I'm talkin' about! Now, everyone, give it up for the Maid of Honor, Izuku Yagi!"

Izuku took in a deep breath, holding back tears...

"A toast to the groom!"

To the groom, to the groom, to the groom~

"To the bride!"

To the bride! To the bride, bride~

"From your brother,"

Izuku, Izuku~,

"Who's always by your side!"

By your side~

"To your union!"

To the union! To the revolution!~,

"And the hope that you provide!"

You provide, you provide~

"May you always,"


"Be satisfied..."

Rewind... Rewind... Rewind...

I remember that night I just might.... Rewind...
I remember that night I just might... Rewind...
I remember that night, I remember that~


"I remember that night, I just might, remember that night for the rest of my days!

I remember those soldier boys trippin' over themselves to win our praise!

I remember that dream like candle light, like a dream that you can't quite place!

But, Katsuki, I'll never forget the first time I saw your face!"

Izuku looked across the room at the new entry.

"I have never been the same! Intelligent eyes in a hunger pane frame! And when you said hi I forgot my dang name!

Set my heart a flame, every part a flame, this is not a game!"


Katsuki walked himself over to Izuku.

Katsuki began to speak, "You strike me, as a woman who has never been satisfied."

Izuku blushed and looked away, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself."

"You're like me, I'm never satisfied," Katsuki said with a determined look.

"Is that right?"

"I've never been satisfied."

"My name is Izuku Yagi," Izuku said as he put out his hand with a smile.

Katsuki took his hand warmly, "Katsuki Bakugou."

"Where's your family from?"

He looked flustered, "Unimportant! There's a million things I haven't done! Just you wait! Just. You. Wait."


"So, so, so! So this is what it feels like to match whits! With someone that you're lovin'! What the hell is the catch!?

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now