Patient 303

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He sat up on his elbows, blinking his dry eyes. Eventually he found the strength to sit up and looked around.

He was in a white hospital room. On him lay a thin sheet and below him a soft mattress. To his left sit a large window with 2 chairs placed under it. To his right were a large machine and two large doors.

There was a small table by his side which held green and white flowers. Several get well cards and chocolates also lay with the flowers.

He slid one leg out from under the sheet. It was wrapped in thick layers of gauze. He then looked at his arms which were the same. He placed his leg on the floor which was ridiculously cold, it sent a shiver up his spine.

It was soon followed by the other one as he shakily stood up. He removed an IV which had been attached to his arm and also removed several sticky things attached to his chest. He began his walk.

He opened the furthest big door that led to a long hallway. It was quiet. He walked down the hallway that was illuminated by lights. At the end he spotted a big metal door. The elevator.

He looked back when he heard shuffling. 2 nurses rushed themselves inside his room. He decided that he should hurry on his way to the elevator.

He quickly scampered along and pushed the white button. The doors opened and he stood in, leaning against a wall. The doors closed gently with a ding. He pressed another button displaying the letter L, and he slowly descended.

Once the doors dinged open he peeked his head outside. Another long hallway. A loudspeaker broadcasted across the building.

"Patient 303 is no longer in his room. I repeat, patient 303 is no longer in his room. This is urgent!"

Wonder who 303 is.

He continued down one of the hallways which wasn't actually long. At the end of it were more doors similar to his own. Inside a clear glass case that was placed outside the doors, papers labeled the person's condition.

'Cancer... Alzheimer's Disease... Diabetes... Osteoporosis...' He deemed this an old people's hall and turned back around. He walked past the elevator and further down.

He heard more voices, phone rings, cries, alerts, sirens. He eventually made it to a large room. Multiple chairs either stood alone or with people. Some had broken looks on their faces, some with joyous looks.

He stood silently and looked at all the face variation. The nurses looked worried on the phones, several people crying, some emotionless and bland. The main entrance doors slid open.

He would've turned to see who it was if a short nurse hadn't softly grabbed his arms.

"Ah you're patient 303. You shouldn't be out of your room yet. You're still weak. You just woke up yes?"

Midoriya only nodded. He knew he voice wouldn't work considering his dry throat. Also, he had no idea what she was talking about. A loud yell made its way present to Midoriya ears. It was actually directed at him.

"Deku!" His name wasn't Deku. Who's Deku? A man rushed up to him. Tall, pale skin, beautiful red eyes, spiky ash blonde hair. He looked excited and happy enough that tears streamed down his face.

Some others who seemed to be with the blonde man entered after him. They didn't seem to notice him yet though. The nurse smiled at him and let him go, still standing next to him.

"Damn! About fucking time you woke up shitty nerd!" The blondy spoke. Midoriya swallowed some dry spit to help him speak. He felt speaking now would be important.

He cleared his throat and looked at the tall boy, taking in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now