Confession - Pt.1

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Midoriya carefully slipped the heart shaped note in the explosive blondes locker during lunch. He then joined his friends back at the table after coming back from his 'bathroom' break, completely unsuspicious.

The rest of the day he was very jittery. He wasn't sure if Bakugou had opened his locker yet or not, and if he did would he even go to the back of the school like Midoriya requested?

The end of the day rolled around and Bakugou headed to the lockers to put some shit away. He turned the spinner thing accordingly and his locker flew open, and a note flew out.

"The fuck is this?" He aggressively picked the note up off the ground and read it.

'Could you please meet me in the back of the school. It's important.'

"Who would right a note this fucking cheesy?" He flipped it around, looking for a name. He almost laughed when he realized what it was.

'Is this a confession?! Wow now I have to reject somebody! Unless it's.. pfft of fucking course not!'' He chuckled into his hand as he shoved everything in his locker and headed to the back of the building.

Midoriya leaned on the building with his arms across his chest. He began to think Bakugou wouldn't show up after 5 minutes.

'Maybe I should leave. He wouldn't come after such a simple note. And what makes me think that he would say yes anyway?!' He pushed himself off the wall only to hit someone's chest.

"Nerd! Are you the one who gave me this cheesy ass note?!" Bakugou yelled, aggressive explosions going off in his palms.

'When did he get there?! And why is he already angry?!' Midoriya thought. He nodded harshly and backed up back into the wall.

"Well then there's no point in me being here!" Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets, threw the note to the ground, and began to walk away like the gremlin he is.

"W-Wait! Ka-Kacchan!" The blonde turned around with an annoyed face. No way was this nerd about to confess to him.

"What is it?" He seethed.

"I-I put the note in your locker b-because... I really like you! I j-just wanted to ask you out on a date!" Bakugou stared at the greenette in shock. He didn't think his crush would actually confess.. to him of all people.

"D-Deku, are you serious?" Midoriya nodded as he felt tears in his eyes. He knew he would be rejected. "Sure."

He popped his head up, looking at Bakugou, "Really?!"

"Yeah. I'll go on your stupid date!" Midoriya smiled wide causing the slightest of blushes to form on Bakugou's cheeks.

"Thank you Kacchan! Um.. Are you free Saturday?"


"Great! Be ready by 4!" Midoriya then happily trotted off to the dorms.

"Fucking nerd."

Bakugou walked back to the dorms, struggling to contain his big smile.

a/n~ not gonna lie this is kind of rushed, only because I wanted to start writing part 2 !! have a good day <3

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now