I Don't Hate You

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a/n~ this is straight shit and is kind of just a trashy filler...

"So how about you, Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked, "Did you have your first kiss?" Midoriya's face flushed with a smile. He scratched his neck as he remembered how they even got to this topic.

He remembers innocently sitting down in the common room with a small glass of milk. A bunch of people were already there, considering it was a Friday evening. Only when did Mina say, no scream, "Let's play truth or dare!" Did all of 1A join the seating area.

Innocent questions were asked until Kaminari had the brilliant idea to truthed Tokoyami into telling the class who his 1st kiss was. After that, it was all around class confession.Everyone was going around in a circle , and now it was Deku's turn.

"Y-Yeah, I have." The class gasps as if they had expected their precious cinnamon roll to say no, except one person.

"Really!? Who?" Kirishima asked.

"I-I was only a k-kid, so it didn't mean a-anything," He sputtered out.

Kaminari frowned, "You don't just kiss someone just cause. Tell us their name at least."

Midoriya cringed, "Really guys, I-I don't remember. It wasn't important and didn't mean anything anyway!" An audible tch was heard from Katsuki as he stood and left the common room. Everyone watched as he walked outside, feet stomping and tiny crackles going off in his palms.

"What happened to him?" Sero questioned, confused, as he took a sip of his sprite.

"Does anyone ever know?" Todooki piped in, receiving a playful nudge from Midoriya. "What? I'm serious," He laughed at the action.

"Hey Midobro, can you go check on him for us?" Green eyes widened as his lips parted in confusion at Kirishima's request.

"Me? Why me? He hates me!"

Kirishima laughed knowingly, "Trust me, he doesn't hate you! Plus, everyone else has to share their experience and you've already gone!" Midoriya pouted. He wanted to point out that Kirishima had already gone as well, but everyone looked at him with pleading eyes.

"With a sgh and the chinese middle finger, he got up and went for the door. 'Thank you's' erupted from behind him but he ignored them They all seemed to know something he didn't.

He pushed open the outside doors and shivered as the cold wind hit him head on. Blood rushed to his cheeks and his palms found their way to his bare arms, rubbing up and down. He looked around, spotting the blond sitting on a nearby drink. With a gulp and a bit of hesitation, he walked over.

"K-Kacchan? Are you okay? Everyone's worried inside, where it's warm." he mumbled that last part. He stared at Bakugou's unmoving body. His spiky hair slightly moved with the cold wind. His eyes were in their usual slits and his chapped lips in a frown.

"Did the kiss really mean nothing to you, you fucking nerd?" Midoriy furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side, lips pursed.

"Look, Kacchan, it was a kiss from when we were kids. We didn't know what we were doing. You hate me now anyway, so what does it matter?" Bakugou stood, too fast for Midoriya to see, until he gripped his collar and held the greenette face to face.

"How many times do those fucking extras have to tell you that I don't hate you! Shit! I thought you would've finally gotten the hint by now, but as always you're fucking clueless!" Midoriya stared in shock, clasping his cold hands around Katsuki's sweaty ones.

Bakugou released him with a heavy breath and turned away frantically. His emotions made his cheeks flush redder than the cold. He turned back to Midoriya who was still in shock. He had noticed how his classmates had denied the fact that Bakugou hated him or disliked him at all everytime it was mentioned in conversation, but hearing it from Bakugou was different.


Bakugou blinked once, "Really? That's all you have to say?"

"Say it again."

"Say what? I don't fucking hate you?" Midoriya awed at the words. He felt as if he were in heaven. He squealed as he jumped onto Bakugou to hug him. Almost falling, he growled slightly, but hugged back as well.

Midoriya looked up at his Kacchan with hopeful eyes, "Does that mean me and Kacchan can be friends again?" Knowing he wanted to be more, he blushed, but accepted the offer. It was good enough for now.

"Yeah loser. We're friends. And we're the best fucking friends!'

"Okay Kacchan!" He hugged Bakugou tighter.

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