Last Breath

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A pipe pierced his stomach. He coughed up blood and slowly looked down. He grabbed the pipe in shock. The villain behind him fled. His job was done.

Midoriya fell to both his knees, unable to stand with the amount of pain the object was causing. The glow in his eyes were gone. These were his final moments and he knew it.

'Will I die alone? Is this how it all ends? At 16 years old?' He laughed dryly at his thought process. He coughed up more blood. His vision was getting blurrier by the second.

"Deku?!" Who's calling for him? "Deku! Where the fuck are you?!" Bakugou? "Deku? Deku! Deku what the fuck happened?!"

Bakugou ran up to Midoriya and kneeled down in front of him. He stared at the pole as it gleamed from the burning fires behind them.


"D-Deku! What happened?! Who did this?! Answer me!" Midoriya coughed again, a lot more blood than last time. It was getting harder to breathe.

"Kacchan." Midoriya reached a bloodied hand to caress Bakugou's face. Bakugou could only look in horror. Midoriya smiled at him.

"Deku," His voice cracked, "Who... Who did this? S-so I can capture them and murder them! I'll blow them to a million pieces!"

"Kacchan.. I'm not gonna make it."

"No, Deku, don't say that! I'm gonna get help and your going to perfectly fucking fine!" Bakugou cried, tears running down his face.

"Kacchan, if I wanted my last moments to be with anybody, it would be you."

"These are not your last fucking moments!"

"No matter... what you say, "Talking was getting more difficult, "You.. have always been.. my best... friend." Bakugou cried heavily. If he pulled out the pole Deku would bleed to death. If he didn't he would die anyway. His death was inevitable

"Deku! Deku, you can't die! What about our dreams! We were gonna be The Wonder Duo! The two best heroes in the world! The Symbol of Peace and The Symbol of Victory! You... You have to live!"

Midoriya's hand dropped from Bakugou's face. He was unable to hold it up anymore. Bakugou grabbed his hand. It was cold. He stared into Deku's eyes which stared blankly at the floor.

"Deku?" He couldn't be dead yet.

"Kacchan... I.. I"

"You what? Tell me!"

"I've always... loved... you." Those were the words that Midoriya said with his last breath. He slumped to the ground, the pole made contact with the ground a pierced through his stomach some more. Bakugou cried heavily. He hugged Midoriya's cold body off the floor, avoiding the pole.

"I love you too!"

"Anddddddd... Cut!" The director said from the side of the set. The two got up, smiled and high fived.

"That was our best run yet!" Midoriya cheered.

"Bet your fucking ass it was!" Midoriya removed the fake pole and hopped off the set followed by Bakugou.

"That's good for today. You too get some rest!" They nodded at their boss, Horikoshi. They smiled at each other before getting ready to go home.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now