Nose Bleeds

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a/n~ this is based off the picture above! creds to the artist :)

"Midoriya! It is not. That. Difficult!" Mina yelled.

"Yeah, sorry Mina," Midoriya teased, "I'm not a girl! And I don't have hips!"

"Of course you have hips! You just don't know how to use them!"

Currently they were hanging behind the dorms. It was a relatively hot summer day and some of Class 1A decided to chill outside.

They were sipping cold lemonades when Mina decided to try and teach Deku how to twerk.

"Alright, alright. Just copy me," Mina said, frustrated. She put her hands on her knees and bent down slightly. Midoriya did the same.

"Now just move your hips!" Mina did as she said and sure enough, her butt moved.

"Yeah, no." Midoriya just wasn't getting it. Mina, however, encouraged him to continue.

They took a small break to get more lemonade.

"Y'know, if you keep practicing you could one of the boys to fall~ for you!"

"Mina! No way! Maybe.. Unless... No!" They got back to it soon after.

Soon enough, Midoriya made an O face of realization.

"So I just do this!" He said as he moved his hips accordingly.

"Perfect!" Midoriya did it again. After getting comfortable with it, he swung his head back with his tongue sticking out. His eyes were lidded and his face was sweating a little because of the sun.

He met eyes with Bakugou who had a badly bleeding nose and a beat red face. Midoriya got out of his little 'position' worried.

"Ka-Kacchan! Are you okay?!" In the background you could hear Mina laughing.

"Get the fuck away from me shitty nerd!" Bakugou stomped off leaving a confused Midoriya.


Bakugou laid in bed unable to go to sleep. The vision of Midoriya's ass as he twerked kept showing. Midoriya's lidded eyes and sweaty face had also made it difficult to go to sleep.

"'That nerd is fucking hot," Bakugou said with a douse of annoyance in his voice.

He wouldn't mind seeing Midoriya like that one more time.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now