Hot Cocoa

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"Oh come on, Mido! Just put on a jacket and come with us outside!" Denki begged. Currently, him and Sero were trying to convince Midoriya to go play out in the snow with the rest of 1A.

"I told you guys, I don't like the snow..." On the other hand, Midoriya was trying to convince them into letting him stay inside.

Snow wasn't his thing. He much rather be cuddled up in the blankets on his bed than building a snow fort.

Denki put on a pouty face while Sero chuckled behind him.

"Fine, fine. How about this?" Midoriya began, "I won't go out and play in the snow, but I'll make hot chocolate once everyone's inside?" He made a suggestive face in hopes of winning this argument.

Sero and Denki turned to look at each other, then nodded.

"Alright. Deal. We'll go tell everyone!" Sero agreed. The 2 goofballs then turned to run to the elevator yelling about hot chocolate. Midoriya laughed.

. . .

Keeping up with his end of the deal, 45 minutes later, Midoriya was in the 1A kitchen whipping up 18 mugs of hot cocoa.

Bakugou claimed he didn't need "the nerd's stupid fucking hot chocolate!" and stormed up to his room.

"Okay! I have 10 ready!" Midoriya yelled from the kitchen.

Kirishima was the first up. He had changed clothes but was still freezing and shivering. His fault though.

After saying something dumb, specifically about how Bakugou wishes Midoriya were outside with them, and having an ice water filled snowball dropped down your shirt will have Bakugou in a fit of laughter and a red face. It will also have you... cold.

After all the drinks were served, everyone relaxed on the couches. Bakugou still sulked in his room, on his bed.

He changed out of his snow clothes and back into his regular black on black sweatpants and t-shirt. He scrolled through explosion videos on his phone, laughing at the ones that caused horrible destruction.

In sometime he got bored and craved a familiar chocolatey substance on his lips and tongue. He sighed.

He wouldn't go back down to the common room and bother for some hot chocolate. He had already said he didn't want any and went upstairs. He sighed a frustrated sigh this time and sunk farther into his bed.

His sinking and sulking, however, was interrupted by some hastey knocks on his door.

"Who is it!" He groaned. There was no answer which only irritated him more. If those morons were playing sing dong ditch again, they were gonna get it.

He got up and roughly opened the door. No one. His frown deepened, eyebrows furrowed, ready to scream at whoever was 'ding dong ditching' him to get ready to die. That is until he felt his legs get a little steamy.

He looked down and there sat a perfectly hot mug of hot cocoa, a note attached to it as well. His face softened in confusion.

He bent down and picked up each item in a different hand. The note read, "I know you like my hot cocoa :) Come join us in the common room."

Bakugou grumbled rude remarks under his breath before taking a large gulp of the chocolate drink. He knew exactly who wrote the note and they weren't lying.

He could drink their hot chocolate for days, no complaints. Of course he wouldn't admit that though. That's why he finished the mug and left it in his room. No evidence that he even touched the drink whatsoever.

He then went down to the common room to sit next to the kind green fella who left him the hit mug, a childish scowl on his face.

"Kacchan," Deku whispered as he leaned over, "Everyone knows you drank it. There's a chocolate stache' on your lips."

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