Machine 1 and 2

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"Today we will be doing a short project with you guys," Aizawa stated as he led his class outside. There stood 2 metal chambers that were actually simulation machines. "Inside these simulation stimulators you will be experiencing either what you fear most, or the most traumatic event."

"Sorry Sir, but why is this necessary?" Iida asked.

"It's necessary because as a hero you will experience many more traumatic events and fear more than you want to." Aizawa had a sad look in his eye as he remembered that his lover was on bed rest.

"How does it choose which will happen?" Momo questioned.

"By which one will cause deeper hurt but better heal.It all depends on the person," He answered. "We're going in class order. Aoyama and Mina, go to machines 1 and 2."

Uraraka and Midoriya sat patiently on the concrete outside the machines.

"What do you think you'll see?" Midoriya questioned.

"Not sure... I think it might be a fear because I don't think I have gone through anything truly traumatic." Midoriya nodded and looked back towards Machine 1 where Aoyama came out with an upset face.

Mina came out soon after in tears. She mostly held herself together as she sat away from the class.

"Tsuyu and Iida, machine 1 and 2." More waiting.

"What do you think yours will be?"

Midoriya cringed, "Not sure. It could be either or." Uraraka looked sadly at Midoriya. "It's fine. I think I've gotten over what I hope I don't experience. Does that make sense?" Uraraka shook her head but gave an apologetic look. Midoriya chuckled and watched as Iida came out, seemingly unfazed.

Away from Midoriya, the Bakusquad boys stood talking about the same topic.

"To be honest I think I'll experience my worst fear!" Kirishima declared proudly.

"How can you be so sure?" Sero questioned as he raised one eyebrow.

"Nothing traumatic has happened in my life," He shrugged, "What about you Bakubro, Kami?"

"Don't fucking call me that! And I fear nothing and nothing traumatic has happened!" He mocked, "Mine will say simulation over and I'll leave as soon as I step in!" The boys looked at him and then looked at Mina. That's basically what she said except less aggressive, and she was crying.

"Not sure what mine will be," Kaminari stated simply.

"Uraraka, Ojirou, machines 1 and 2." Aizawa said as Ausi came out with frightened eyes. Bakugou turned and saw Midoriya patting Uraraka's back before she walked away. He scoffed and turned to look at something worthwhile. The floor.

Time passed as people came out in a variety of emotions, and then the life changing words were called.

"Bakugou, Midoriya, machine 1 and 2."

Midoriya's POV

I sat up off the concrete and stood in front of the 2nd machine. In all honesty I was nervous. I knew anything could show up but the fact that I didn't know what that anything was, scared me.

I stepped in once Aizawa gave me the right away. The metal door locked shut behind me and the simulation began.

"Izuku Midoriya," A robotic voice called, "Would you like to see your greatest fear? Or your most traumatic experience?"

"I-I thought that you would choose?" I swiveled around the darkroom, looking for the voice. It repeated it's sentence and I decided to choose. "I choose, traumatic experience!"

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