Cold Fingers

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a/n~ 6.5k!?!!?!? really!? thank youuuu :))))) i might cry...


"What Izuchan?"

"My fingers still really hurt..."

"I already gave you new clothes and some hot chocolate! If i go to the kitchen again, my parents will wake up!"

Tears pricked in little Izuku's eyes. Around 15 minutes ago, the 2 snuck outside to play in 7 inches of snow. It was Katsuki's idea of course. Having your room on the first floor had it's advantages.

However, after only 10 minutes in the snow, in only socks and pjs, Midoriya's fingers began to turn purple.

They snuck back inside as Izuku began to cry about the pain. Katsuki gave him dry clothes and a cup of hot cocoa yet, Izuku was still in pain. Fingers now an icey blue.

"C'mon Izuku! Try rubbing them together. It usually makes me super sweaty and hot."

With a sniffle Izuku did as told, but the friction only made his hands sting and he winced.

"Kacchan, i-it's not h-helping." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I go through all this work to make you feel better and all you do is complain!"

More tears dribbled from Midorriya's eyes. He didn't like being yelled at, especially not by Katsuki.

"I-I'm sorry, Kacchan! I really tried making the pain g-go away, I p-pinky promise, b-but i-it won't," He cried.

Katsuki sighed dramatically, "Whatever, Stupid Izuku. Stop saying sorry all the time like a baby!"

Midoriya nodded and looked back down at his cold fingers. Katsuki looked down at Izuku on the futon from his bed. An Idea sprung in his head.

"Come up here, Izuku. You're probably cold on that useless sheet of fabric, so come up here," He stated.

"R-Really Kacchan?"

"Wouldn't be sayin' it if I didn't mean it!" Katsuki replied, rudely.

"O-Okay," Izuku stuttered. While still holding his fingers, they weren't as blue as before but still blue, Izuku stood and began climbing up on the bed with the help of his friend. He stuck his legs under the thick red sheets and turned towards Katsuki.

"What now, Kacchan?"

"You gotta wait it out."

"B-But it still hurts...a little?"

"Jeez Izuchan, I never thought I'd have to do this!" Midoriya tilted his head in confusion.

That is until Katski, slightly aggressively, took Izuku fingers into his hands. He kissed the tops of all 10 of them and set them back in Izuku's lap.

"There! Now your fingers will heal in no time because I give the best kisses," He said proudly. With a wide smile, and a slightly flushed face, Izuku hugged Katsuki.

"Thank you! Kacchan was right! They are healed!"

He took his hands which were previously wrapped around Katsuki and put them in front of his face, studying them. They were back to their normal color, no longer cold.

Katsuki grinned. In all honesty, he had no idea that would work, just wanted to shut Izuku up, but if it meant praise? He'll take it.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now