Happy Anniversary

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Bakugou held Midoriya's hand as they ventured out into the woods. It was their 3rd Anniversary, not married just boyfriends, and Bakugou planned something special. At least, that's what he said.

They stepped over twigs and fallen logs, squished fallen leaves further into the green grass, and watched squirrels and birds hide up in the trees.

Soon they made it to a clearing of flowers on a hill overlooking the horizon.

"Wow! Kacchan, it's beautiful."

"I know, Nerd!" Midoriya chuckled. Bakugou sat them on a picnic blanket that was already there. On it were fluffy pillows and a picnic basket full of Midoriya's favorites.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya was going to cry on how thought out it all was.

"I know I know." They sat down on the blanket and cuddled as they watched the sun dip behind the rolling hills.

"Izuku," Bakugou started, "I know I don't say it as often as I should, but I really do love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love your fluffy hair and your cute freckles that litter your face." Midoriya flushed. "I love your big green eyes that are so expressive, I love your lips that I could kiss all day, "He said as he kissed them, "And most of all, I love you."

"I love you too Kacchan!" Midoriya was in tears as he hugged his boyfriend tightly, "I love you spikey soft hair, and your grumpy little face, and your squishy cheeks!" Bakugou rolled his eyes as he blushed himself. "I love your eyes and your attitude and... and... you! I love all of you!" The 2 were a blushing mess as they kissed passionately once more.

They ate and cuddled and Midoriya was getting cold and insisted on heading back to their apartment.

"Take my hoodie for now, I want you to see something," Bakugou retorted. Midoriya waited for whatever Bakugou was waiting for as he made a flower crown.

He placed it on Bakugou's head and received a kiss on the nose as a thanks.

"Look," Bakugou said as he pointed towards the sun.

The blazing ball of fire disappeared behind the hills also making the beautiful array of oranges and purples disappear. In turn hundreds of fireflies lit up the sky for miles on end. They were like tiny lamps dancing around.

"It's so... pretty," Midoriya gawked.

"Not as pretty as you," Bakugou cooed as he stood up, giving out his hand for Midoriya to take.

Midoriya giggled as he stood, now noticing the song that was playing in the background. 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran.

The couple slow danced, throwing in the occasional spin as they went. They stared lovingly at each other's eye the whole time, never letting go.

At the end Bakugou dipped Midoriya down and kissed him passionately.

"Oh baby, we found love right where we are~"

"And we found love right where we are~" Midoriya finished.

a/n~ now should we add some angst ? just a question...

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