Night Shifts

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Midoriya stared boredly out of the shop window. He was working the late shift, super late shift, at his job at his local coffee shop.

He didn't typically like doing so.

He lived on the bad side of town. Therefore there were frequent robberies, murders, muggings etc.

For whatever reason, heroes weren't ever scheduled to patrol in his town, leaving the bad guys to do as they pleased.

All the bad stuff usually happened at night, so night shirts weren't usually Izuku's thing, but he was short on money.

He contemplated cleaning the tables and counter for the 4th time, maybe even mopping the floors again, but decided against it. He sighed and thought about going back to school.

Getting into his first college was hard enough, being quirkless and all, but he was smart and that's the only thing that Izuku held value to. He wasn't worth anything else.

The clink of the door's bell gathered his attention. He gasped when he saw who it was. Ash blonde spikey hair, piercing red eyes, tall and intimidating stature.

Definitely Bakugou Katsuki.

He hasn't seen him since middle school but there wasn't anyway that it was not him.

Midoriya recollected himself as the man approached the counter. It was only then that he noticed the hero costume. It made Midoriya upset, but he kept a straight face.

It seemed Bakugou had realized the familiar face too. He chose not to say anything but his order though.

"I just want a cup of water." His voice was deep and rough. Midoriya nodded and grabbed a cup, then proceeded to go to the filtered sink.

He filled it high, not enough for it to spill, and handed it to the hero.

"Cups of water and or ice are free." Bakugou simply nodded and began to drink. Midoriya looked down to the counter as he thought.

Why would Bakugou be in this kind of neighborhood? It was out of the way of Musutafu, assuming he still lived there, around 45 minutes away.

There's no way he lived here. The town is small, everyone knows everyone, it's poor, and filled with bad people. A hero is rich. They wouldn't spend a dime on a place like this.

"So you still mutter?"

The question caught Midoriya off guard.

"Y-Yeah, I guess..."

"To answer your question, I have night patrols out here now. They didn't notice how bad the town was doing, so they sent me out here."

Midoriya nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you... live out here?" Bakugou asked, sort of concerned.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I do. Why?"

"It's just that there's at least a murder every other week, or a robbery, or shooting. Why would you live in a place like this?"

Midoriya looked at Bakugou with a 'really' face.

"Being quirkless gets you nowhere. I barely got into community college with them knowing. Not having a degree and having 'quirkless' on your record gets you a minimum wage job. Therefore you're broke. Therefore you live in a shitty town," Midoriya ranted.

Bakugou though before saying, "Why not just move back in with Auntie?"

"She died 3rd year of highschool. Cancer. Couldn't afford it." Bakugou cringed.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Midoriya made a sound of appreciation. There was a silence for a while, kind of awkward, tension creating, until Midoriya broke it.

"How are you? How's it like being a hero?"

"It's fun. Hard work. I think I expected something more out of it. I'm not sure what it is though."

"Really!? I would kill to be in your spot right now...Well, not kill. You know what I mean."

"Haha... Some guy named Lemillion is the #1 hero right now, but I'll pass him up soon enough. I'm sure you already know that though. You're still a hero geek right?" He chuckled.

Midoriya gave a confused look before making an "Oh" sound. Heroes... not a topic he knows much about anymore.

"Ha! No, I'm not. I gave up on that stuff in 1st year. I'm not particularly crazy about heroes anymore either. I don't even know who Lemillion is to be honest," He laughed. Bakugou frowned.

"You... gave up on it? Why?"

"What's the point? I wanted to be a hero, not study one. Why chase after a dream you're too slow for, right?" He laughed once more.

For a good reason, Bakugou felt guilty. He was the one who told Midoriya to give up, so why is he so upset that he did?

He feels the need to make up for it. And he will. He's not the same brat he was in middle school. UA taught him better.

"I'm sorry." Midoriya looked up surprised and confused.

"For what?"

"For how I acted all those years before. I crushed your dreams because I-"

"It's in the past," Midoriya cut him off, "My dreams were unachievable. A quirkless hero? Have you ever heard of that?" He laughed sadly, "I was just a stupid kid, ok? Don't worry about it."

"You weren't a stupid kid. I was just an asshole."

Midoriya knew there was no fighting Bakugou so he just nodded.

"It's true. You were an asshole."

Bakugou 'tched'. He threw out his cup of water and headed towards the exit.

Before he left, he turned around and spoke with a smirk, "Take a night shift more often. I'd... I'd like to catch up some more... And make it up to you."

He quickly exited and hopped, well, exploded off to his next destination.

Midoriya sighed a happy sigh and leaned on the counter.

Maybe he will take more night shifts.

a/n~ this book ends at 50 chapters :)

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