Soulmate pt. 2

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a/n~ ladies and gentlemen!! and whatever else you would like to be called (sorry) but we hit 7k!!!!! thank you so much 🥺

"So... Would one of you like to explain?" Aizawa questioned. Kirishima, Midoriya, and Bakugou sat in their Sensei's office after being caught fighting in the common room. After giving them some time to calm their tears and frustration, he asked that question.

Kirishima focused his attention on the ground. He was still very upset. Who wouldn't be? He was lied to about an intimate topic.

Tricked into thinking that he was with his soulmate. He should've checked Bakugou's wrist. He should've. Maybe then they wouldn't have been in this mess.

Bakugou growled and stayed silent. In his mind though, thoughts ran wild. He had never imagined getting caught.

Had he thought he could get away with this? Kirishima would have eventually gotten his soulmate and would've left Bakugou. Right? He was dumb thinking he could pull this off. What an idiot.

Midoriya stared lazily at the wall. He felt numb and empty. He felt as if he had lost a part of himself. His heart was shattered and no one could rebuild it into what it was. He was going to be alone forever.

The only way he could get a soulmate was to take that person from someone else. He would never wish for someone to be in his position now. Never.

Even at that, his new soulmate would only have a 50% success rate of actually staying and loving Midoriya. Who was to say that anyone would begin the thought of loving Midoriya anyway?

He was alone. No fixing that.

"I'm waiting for an answer," Aizawa stated, regaining their attention. He scanned them over once, all sharing the same but different distraught looks. "Midoriya. Explain."

Not before taking a deep breath, Midoriya began explaining.

"Today I got my soulmate. It was Kacchan. However, it had already been crossed out in the red ink. I knew Kacchan was in a relationship with Kirishima-kun and I just wanted to confront him about it. I just wanted answers. I-I never wanted it to spiral into something like this."

"I find that pretty fucking hard to believe, you fucking Deku!" Bakugou yelled at him, "You came at me screaming like a maniac!"

"I only started screaming once you started like you didn't know what I was talking about!" Midoriya retorted with the same volume of voice, "You'd be pretty upset if your soulmate didn't want you either and lied to your face for 2 months!"

"You're not my goddamn soulmate! Kirishima is!" This caught Kirishima's attention, who was absent mindedly watching them.

"I'm not your anything, you selfish asshole! You think I still want to be with you after this!? You must be insane!" Kirishima shouted. He was hurt.

Bakugou visibly tensed, "Why the hell not!? Just drop your soulmate for me!"

"Are you f'ing crazy, Katsuki!? Is there something wrong in that egotistical bratty little brain of yours!? Not everything is about you! I could give less than a damn about what happens to you and your now nonexistent love life! I just know that I'm not in it!"

The redhead sat back in his chair with a huff and crossed arms, new tears ready to overflow. Bakugou slumped back in his chair with an unreadable expression.

Midoriya felt oddly satisfied with how Bakugou was getting put down.

"Look at you, Kacchan," He mocked, "You're upset aren't you?"

"Shut it useless Deku! You're going to be alone like you deserve anyway!"

"In case you haven't caught on yet, you will be too! Who would even try to love you after this!" There was silence. Thick, heavy, tension filled silence. As soon as they worked themselves up, they worked themselves down.

Aizawa let them cool for a second before speaking,

"From the information I've gathered, these seem to be relationship and love problems. I don't care how you solve this as long as it's responsible and doesn't affect your studies or your hero work. You're dismissed."

Midoriya was the first to bow and leave without a word. He was quickly followed by Kirishima, then Bakugou.

The 3 spent the rest of the day in their rooms, 2 of which getting comforted by friends with movies, food, blankets, and hugs.

The 2 explained the situation to their friends and their disliking for Bakugou grew more. If there wasn't one in the first place, there was definitely one now.

Bakugou spent the time alone, wallowing in his own self pity and guilty conscience. Guilty conscience.

Much later in the night, a knock was heard at Midoriya's door. Thinking one of his friends had forgotten something, he stood from his desk chair and opened it rather quickly.


The blonde quickly noticeably forced out an, "I'm sorry." and stood there standing awkwardly and looking stupidly at Midoriya.

Midoriya smiled widely, getting Bakugou's faulty hopes up rather quickly, but then he began to speak.

"Bakugou Katsuki, I wish to never see your face unless it be for hero work and class. You've ruined my chances, and fortunately yours too, at love at an old age and for forever.

.. I finally realized that instead I should not be looking up to a person as selfish, egotistical, and prideful as you, but instead look down on you. It would be a sad case." His smile dropped, instead holding a deadpan expression. "That being said, goodnight, Bakugou."

He shut the door in the surprised blond's face. He went and flopped on his bed with fast tears streaming down his face.

"Worst birthday ever," He choked out.

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