Love Songs

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Midoriya entered his dorm after spending the day with his friends and his crush. He slid down against the doors as he held his sleeve covered hands against his beet red face.

He squealed as he thought about all the nice things Katsuki did today. The 2 were finally starting to get along. Maybe a little too good.

Katsuki bought him food, clothes, and even gave Midoriya his sweater when he was cold. He always walked next to Midoriya, included him in the conversation and asked his opinions on topics, and so much more that just made Midoriya's heart flutter.

Wait, '...Even gave Midoriya his sweater when he was cold.' Midoriya stood up quickly, receiving a headrush, but remembered he indeed still had Katsuki's sweater on.

He panicked slightly before realizing he could just go to his dorm and give the clothing back.

He rushed over to his bed to empty his contents out the pockets before giving it back. He took out his phone, some cash, a napkin, and... an iPod?

'Is- is this Kacchans!?' Midoriya thought. He scanned over the device. Black an orange phone case, scratches and char marks. Definitely the blond's phone.

Midoriya never knew the blond had an iPod. Now that he thinks of it, the teen was listening to music on the bus ride to the mall through an unseen device. 'This must be it...' The greenette concluded.

He took off the sweater but sat on his bed with the iPod in hand. He stared at the black screen, curiosity filling his thoughts. 'I wonder what type of music he listens to.. Does he like rock music? Soft music? Slow songs? Rap? Probably rap.'

A slight grin made its way on his face as he thought there was only one way to figure it out.

He tapped the home button and a bright screen filled his vision. The background was a picture of him and Katsuki as kids and Midoriya visibly blushed. He clicked the home button again and to his surprise, there was no password.

'He must not take it out much,' Midoriya thought. Without thinking twice about privacy, Midoriya began to swipe around on the phone.

A couple of games later and he made it to the iMusic app. Without hesitation, he clicked on it.

"Time for the moment of truth," Midoriya exclaimed with a determined look as he clicked on the 'Playlists' tab. One, and only one, playlist shown on the screen. It was named,


Baffled, the freckle face just stared at the name. Thoughts rushed throughout his brain as he desperately tried to figure out why his name was there.

He shook his head and closed his eyes, thinking he was just imagining impossible things. He cocks one eye open, and it's not his imagination.

He holds the phone tight in his hand, trembling a bit as he shakenly moves a single finger to press the shuffle icon.

His finger makes contact and immediately a song starts playing. The scroll through reveals the name, 'Best Part (feat. Daniel Caesar) by H.E.R.'

Green eyes widened as the lyrics played, he pressed the shuffle button again. 'Love Songs by Kaash Paige. Again and again he pressed the shuffle button. The whole playlist was love song after love song.

A giddy grin placed itself on Midoriya's face as he listened to each and every one of them in pure bliss. Knowing that his name was the name of the album and no one else's name, felt great.

Now he understands why Katsuki doesn't take it out much.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now