Candle Scent

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It's been years...

Since the love of my life and I have broken up.

So why does it still hurt? Why did it still hurt?

Seeing him with a familiar redhead every so often, hands intertwined, matching rings on their fingers. It hurts. He doesn't smile with me like that! He's never laughed as much as he did with me as he does with him! Or... did.

I know that shark toothed man doesn't love him as much as I do! Well, did love him?

I know he doesn't.

I love him so much so why can't he return that love to me? His smile, his eyes, his hair, his attitude.

His body, the way he brushes his teeth with his left hand on the counter, how he always makes sure his left is facing the camera when taking a picture, and when he's about to go to sleep he puts both feet up at the same time and then flips on his back. Maybe that's too much?

I loved it all. I needed it all. I wanted it all. I have it all, and the redhead doesn't.

So he will be mine. I'll make sure of it. I did make sure of it.

I stalked them. Constantly. Just waiting for the perfect opportunity. Finally my beautiful Kacchan went out to get groceries and that idiot Kirishima was left alone. Alone.

I jumped down from the tree I was hiding in and landed softly. I slipped through the kitchen window they always left open because the breeze cools the whole downstairs. I landed on the kitchen tile.

The walls were a light grey, the floors were also grey with wood that everyone finds appealing. Of course I already knew that. I looked to my left where I knew the kitchen knives sat. Bakugou always loved the big and sharp ones to cut with. They won't be used for vegetables this time though.

I grabbed the biggest one and lightly padded my way to the stairs. Up and the last door to the right is where their bedroom lay. Kirishima would be sitting in there looking at his dumb YouTube videos or something.

Standing on my toes to make the least amount of noise possible, I began to walk up the stairs. With a wide smile, stretched from ear to ear, I made my way down the hall, dragging just the tip of the knife on the painted wall.

"Katsu?" I visibly cringed at the disgusting name Kirishima had given him. It wasn't better than Kacchan. Nothing was better than Kacchan.

I stopped the knife, placing it on the bedroom door. I began to scrape it along in all different directions.

"Katsu! This isn't funny!" I held my hand over my face to stop the cackles that would come out if I didn't. I heard footsteps come toward the door. I decided I was done playing with the poor man and pushed open the door.

"Midoriya?" He then noticed the knife in my hand, "Midoriya!? What are you doing with that?" Swift with my moves I grabbed him by the throat and let my right leg push in his knee so that he would fall on his back. I held the knife to his neck with a wide smile.

"Don't scream, don't shout, don't cry, don't call out for help. I won't let you beg for mercy." Breathing heavily, he let tears escape from his eyes. His terrified expression made me giggle. "Don't make that face! You'll make this even better! Ha!"

"P-Please Midoriya! Why are you doing this!"

"Didn't I say don't shout?" He shut his mouth as more tears ran down his face. My expressions dimmed and I pressed the knife deeper into his throat. "I owe you no explanation. It will be a clean cut so no need to worry!"

Oh my! You should've seen the expression on his face before I ran the knife completely through his neck! Priceless! Anyway, there lay his head, blood seeping from the 'wound' and making a puddle. I took the blood on 2 fingers and admired it with a grin. I dripped rhythmically on to the wood floor.

That's when I heard the door slam shut. I quickly opened their window and slipped through, leaving a smear of blood on the sill. A blood curdling ripped through the air as I quickly sprinted off. I took back roads and alleyways to avoid being seen with blood soaked pants and a bloody knife. That would be bad.

I made it home and went to the backyard to burn the clothes. I actually placed them on the concrete and watched them turn to ashes.Once it was finished, I gathered some up in my hands and placed them in a candle and mashed them in a candle for a bit.

Hours later, as I knew what was to come, I began cleaning the blood off the precious knife. Well, not cleaning it. It was more so, I smoothed out the candle's surface and with the help of some water let the remaining blood drip and mix with the candle wax, giving it a red top. Once it dripped all it could, I kissed it, cleaned it with bleach, and hid it under the patio stairs. As timed, 2 hurried knocks were placed on my door.

I quickly lit the candle and opened the door to a disheveled, crying, and tired Kacchan.

"K-Kacchan!? What's wrong!? What happened!?"

"S-Someone-! T-They-! They killed Eijirou! A-And I know we were something in the past but you were the only one who still lives around a-and but I still trust you so p-please..." His painful rant was cut off by his own sobs and my embracing, loving, hug.

"I-It's ok Kacchan I-I promise! The past doesn't mean anything right now!" Oh it means everything. "I-I'm so so sorry for your loss, Kacchan! I can't believe he's... that he's..." Gone, forever. Learning how to cry on the spot really does come in handy! Especially if you're actually trying not to smile as you knew that your Kacchan would come to you in this situation, but that's besides the point.

So now, here we are as I remember today... sitting on the couch with Kacchan hugging me as tight as he could for comfort. His sobs had finally relaxed and I could tell he was just thinking.

"What's with the candle?" He asked calmly with his sore voice, having nothing else to talk about.

"I'm not sure," I answered with the same tone, "I thought it smelled nice and memorable." He took a deep breath, unknowingly inhaling the scent of a dead man.

"You're right, it does smell nice."

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now