Deja Vu

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a/n~ for whatever reason I really wanted to do a double update and THANK YOU for 1.5k reads #mightcry :')

For whatever fucking reason I agreed with these idiots, or as they say bakusquad, excluding Mina, to go and hangout. Also, for whatever reason, they insisted on inviting fucking Deku!

Right now we were just walking around until Deku spotted that shitty park we used to play at as kids. The guys noticed and we made a sharp turn inside.

It was pretty fucking abandoned. There were cobwebs on the swings and mulch in the slide and around the whole play structure. All the metal was rusting badly and there were several graffiti spots.

We continued in deeper eventually going to where I remember my Bakugou Agency would go. Ha! Fucking good times.

Somewhere along the way, Kaminari and that Shitty Nerd stopped to climb a tree. Idiots. Sero and Kirishima were laughing at one point because Kaminari got stuck and Deku was struggling to help him. Pathetic.

After that we kept walking.

"Guys, look it's a river!"

"That's not a river asshat!" I yelled.

"Used to be. Looks like it dwindled down over time," Deku mentioned.

The log was still there and sturdy. Exactly how it was 10 years prior. A little bit mosier.

"Let's go to the other side." Of course, I led and those extras followed behind me, and also of course, Deku was in last like a pathetic loser should be.

I had a sudden memory from when I fell into the river way back fucking when. Guess I was thinking too hard since I did the exact fucking thing! I missed a step and fell into the useless ass stream, hard as hell.

"Woah! Bakubro, you good?" Kirishima cackled.

"Took a tumble I see!" Sero laughed alongside him. I stood up, deja vu suddenly hitting me. I quickly looked to a familiar spot where once a small hand reached out to me, asking me if I was okay, worried for my well being. It wasn't there.

I looked back up the log to where the Shitty Nerd was. He was already staring back at me with a blank look on his face. He then began to speak.

"What's wrong Bakugou? Get back up here so we can continue?"

Does he not see the problem? Why isn't he down here helping me? Why isn't he asking me if I'm okay?

"Dude, what are you staring at? Let's go," Kaminari shouted. I shook my head and headed back up to where they were.

For the rest of the night, that one instance stayed in my mind. Sometime when we were walking back to the dorms the extras stopped at a convenience store for snacks, except me and Deku.

He scrolled through his phone while I leaned on the wall.

"Hey, shit nerd!"

"What is it, Kacchan?"

"Why the hell didn't you help me out at the stream!?"

"Help?" He chuckled, "Why would you need help?"

That's the last thing he said to me before the extras came out and we walked to the dorms.

Something with that didn't sit right with me. Why didn't Deku want to help me? Why do I care? Why does it hurt?


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