It's Warm

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a/n~ thank you so much for the votes and views <3!! you guys dont know how much it means >~<

A knock was heard on Midoriya door. The green headed boy sat up in his bed, eyebrows furrowed. Who is knocking at 1am?

Despite the confusion he got up and opened the door. To his surprise, it was Bakugou.


"Sup nerd." Bakugou invited himself in. He was wearing his usual black sweatpants and a loose tank top.

Midoriya closed the door, wondering what he had done to make Bakugou so calm. Surely he was going to die tonight, right?

"Oi! Stop muttering!"

"Right! S-Sorry..."

The two awkwardly stared at each other before Bakugou looked away. A distant look was placed in his eyes. He was obviously thinking about something.

Midoriya waited patiently. He didn't want to set off the blonde so it was better if he just sat there. Eventually, the blonde spoke.

"I'm cold," Bakugou stated.

"C-Cold?" Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows once more. Bakugou came to his dorm because he was cold?

"Yeah fucking nerd! I'm cold." Bakugou looked longingly at Midoriya's bed, unnoticed by the shorter.

"Did y-you want to.. want to borrow a blanket?" Bakugou tched and turned to look out the balcony. He couldn't figure out why it was so difficult to say what he had to say. What he wanted to say.

"No I don't want to borrow a fucking blanket," Bakugou scoffed. He clenched his teeth as he stared at the moon which illuminated the room.

He turned back to Midoriya who was leaning against the door, staring warrily at Bakugou. His eyes, which Bakugou stared at, glistened beautifully in the moonlight. His whole face, made to perfection.

That's what Bakugou sees at least.

"Kacchan?" He had been staring too long. At least he finally had the courage to say what he wanted.

"I want to sleep with you."

"K-Kacchan!!" Midoriya shrieked in surprise.

"Shit! Fuck! No, I didn't mean it like that!" Bakugou bit his lip and looked to the side, hands on his hips, "Not fuck you. I just want to sleep.. with you."

"Like, just sleeping. Nothing else?"

"Nothing fucking else," Bakugou confirmed, making eye contact once again.

"Ok! W-Well.. Are you s-sure? I-I would expect y-you to go to K-Kirishima-kun. Definitely not me," Midoriya pouted.

"Well I'm fucking here ain't I, Fuck Face?" Midoriya giggled as he sat down on his bed, followed by Bakugou.

After shifting a couple of times they found their position. Bakugou wrapped an arm around Midoriya's waist from behind, pushing his back firmly into his chest.

Bakugou breathed in the scent of Midoriya's hair, Sea Mist. He's been using the same shampoo since they were kids.

Meanwhile Midoriya was trying to keep his heart from exploding out his chest. Never did he think he'd be this close to his Kacchan again.

Bakugou eventually heard the soft snores of Midoriya. He breathed in a deep sigh of comfort,

"It's warm."

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now