Coffee ?

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Bakugou hated coffee. I mean, how could he drink something as bitter as him? Not a good mix. So why he was walking to his local coffee shop was beyond him.

But that cashier that worked 12-6 had his heart and soul.

He entered the pretty empty coffee shop and looked around for the freckled boy. He pursed his lips when he didn't see him but continued to walk up to the empty cash register.

"Hello?" Out of nowhere the boy popped up and greeted Bakugou with a smile.

"Hi! Welcome to- Oh it's you again?"

"Aww that hurts," Bakugou pouted. This earned a giggle out the cashier. Bakugou laughed as well, "I'll have um... uh a coffee."

"You know, you don't seem like you like coffee very much." The blonde immediately tried to put excuses together in his head, figuring that the greenette figured him out. "Don't sweat it! I'm not sure why you order it if you don't like it, but we have other options for drinks you know."

"Wait, really?" Bakugou deadpanned. Midoriya nodded and swiftly pointed up at their large menu. The 'Beverages' and their many options were stated. In the weeks that Bakugou has been coming here, he's never seen that.

"Tell ya what!" The cashier said, getting Bakugou's attention, "I'll surprise you! It's on the house," He winked. Bakugou gulped down the urge to blush and nodded. "Cool! Take a seat and I'll bring it over to ya!"

The greenette swung around and pulled out a 16oz cup and began to whip up whatever he thought was appropriate for Bakugou.

The blonde sat at a table and looked out the window. It was a nice day. Fluffy clouds, blue skies, slight breeze. Just nice spring weather.

He was startled when a chair pulled out in front of him. The greenette sat down and placed a hot drink on the table.

"It's not exactly on the menu, but I thought of it after thinking of you so... tell me if it tastes good!"

Bakugou snickered, "So you think of me?" The cashier shook his head and waved his hands in front of his face frantically.

"N-Not like t-that! Y-you just c-come in often!" Bakugou chuckled once more before taking a large sip of the drink. His eyes widened at the things popping in his mouth. It did taste good though.

"What's your name?" Bakugou asked.

"Midoriya Izuku. You can call me Izuku though," He smiled.

"Well Izuku, this tastes amazing. Are there like pop rocks in it?" Izuku nodded with a bright smile.

"You really like it!? Do you think it can make the menu?"

Bakugou nodded, "I think so. It's great." He continued to drink. Internally, he was freaking out on how cute Izuku was.

Midoriya cocked his head to the side and smiled, "What's your name?"

Bakugou's blush deepened and he choked a little on the drink, "Bakugou. Bakugou Katsuki but um, you can call me your date tonight~"

The freckled man burst out into a fit of laughter. Bakugou's mouth went agape as he heard the angels sing from above. Yeah. He wanted this one.

"Wow!" He said as he wiped tears from his eyes, "That was so corny! But... I-I'll take you up on that offer if you mean it.."

Bakugou grinned slightly, "Of course." He pulled out his phone and handed it to the cashier. "Put your number in and I'll call you later~"

Izuku giggled and took the phone happily. Once he was done he gave it back.

Midoriya stood, "I have to get back to work, but I'll be expecting that call." He gave Bakugou a gorgeous closed eye and walked back over to the register.

Awestruck, Bakugou looked back out the window and admired the day as he sipped his drink made just for him.

Who knew hating coffee could get him here?

a/n~ yellooo i was wondering if you guys could check out my shindeku story? its completed •3•

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