Truth Quirk pt. 2

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Bakugou doesn't know about OFA yet

Bakugou flicked Kirishima off before roughly pulling Midoriya into the room. They were both still beat red and had awkward dopey expressions on their face.

"Do y-you actually love me?" Midoriya questioned with a beaming smile.

"Of course I love you. Shit!" Bakugou yelled, "Quit asking me questions, Deku!" The blonde turned away from the greenette to face the balcony.

He had to think.

How could he tell Deku that he didn't actually love him? Wait... The quirk is a truth quirk. No matter what he thinks or wants to say, the quirk will make him say what he really feels.

So does that mean he really does love Deku? That nerdy, short, mutter prone, stupid, freckled face Deku? The kid that's been following him everywhere non stop for the last decade?

Him? Really? Jeez, he needs to up his standards. He then rolled his eyes. How could a quirk point out feelings that he couldn't recognize himself? That's ridiculous! And stupid! And annoying.

He grabbed his hair in frustration, making a frustrated groan. This alerted Deku, who was currently thinking up a storm in his head.

If the quirk makes his Kacchan respond truthfully to any question asked, then he could get a truthful answer for all the questions that have built up in his head over the years! Perfect.

They both moved themselves to look at each other at the same time. Different intentions. Bakugou acted first.

He pointed at Deku, then at the door. He wanted his childhood ex friend to leave. He figured that was best to prevent him saying any other unknown or unwanted things.

"Y-You want me to leave?" Midoriya asked with a frown.

Bakugou nodded. Midoriya shook his head.

"I want answers before I leave... And truthful ones," He smirked. Bakugou quickly caught on and began to try forcing Midoriya out the room. Midoriya dodged and began to ask away.

"First, why do you act like you hate me?" He asked as he blocked a hand reaching for his shirt.

"Because I wasn't sure how to portray my feelings. I relied on using anger instead." Midoriya hopped up on the bed, avoiding another one of Bakugou's attacks.

So some of the unreasonable anger I felt towards him was love? That's... That's fucking crazy!' Bakugou thought.

"Okay... Why did you bully me all those years? Especially in middle school?"

"In primary school it was because you were quirkless and we couldn't fulfill our dream in being heroes together. In middle school it was because you still aspired to be a hero yet did nothing to better yourself towards that goal. Now it's because you had a quirk this whole time! I thought you never wanted to be heroes with me in the first place!"

Bakugou covered his mouth as he leaped onto his desk, narrowly missing Midoriya who was now on the floor.

"I-I told you I was just a late bloomer!" An explosion.

"I couldn't believe that!" Hop to floor. Hop to bed. Hop to desk. Hop to drawer.

"Fine! What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Although you shouldn't be the sorry one... Love. Me. Back."

The 2 stopped running around the room and stared at each other breathing heavily. It was silent. Not awkward or uneasy. Just silent.

"I do love you," Midoriya breathed out,"I've always loved you."

Bakugou didn't say a thing. He was too scared to. He didn't know what secret would cone out his mouth and he wasn't willing to find out.

He pointed at Deku, then he pointed at the door. He needed time to sort through his emotions.

A little surprised, Midoriya's eyes widened but then quickly relaxed.

"I-I understand. This is most likely new to you too. I-I'll leave.. And I promise I won't tell anyone!" He exited.

Unknowingly they both smiled love struck smiles once they were out of each other's sight. Bakugou sighed and fell on his bed. He guessed he did.. . love Midoriya? That stupid Deku?

Knowing Bakugou loved him back was amazing, but not knowing if Bakugou would except his feelings is what Midoriya was thinking about.

He began to walk away before he spotted Kirishima, well, Kirishima spotted him.

Midoriya was sweating, red, even more messed up hair, uneven and wrinkled clothes, and a weird ass smile on his face.

"Fun time?" The redhead asked.

a/n~ maybe i should elaborated on my last authors note . im willing to do a second book maybe even with a different ship . if i were to continue this book , updates could be from 1-3 days to 2-3 months . i dont want that :( thats why this book ends at 50 chaps . •3• have a nice day/night and thanks for 7.5k !! <3

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