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Bakugou hobbled into Class 1A dorms after a hard day of self training. He disappeared at 7am this morning, and it was now 4 in the afternoon.

Midoriya was peacefully sitting on the couch with the rest of the class, head empty, no thoughts. He didn't hear Bakugou enter the room.

Only when he heard the sad breathing behind him did he jump a little and turn back.

"Hey Kacchan!"

"Shut the fuck up Deku!" Bakugou grumbled. He got some sour looks from some people in the class, but those looks soon turned confused.

"Really? Why did you overwork yourself?"

"I said shut the fuck up!"

"It's no problem," Midoriya said calmly. The class looked on in disbelief and confusion. Bakugou wasn't saying anything but for Midoriya to shut up. Why was Midoriya responding like it was a conversation?

"You're a loser!"

"I said it's ok!" Bakugou climbed over the backrest of the couch and inched his way down around Midoriya. When he finally got his footing, he plopped down, either leg resting on a different side of Midoriya.

He wrapped his arms around the greenette's small waist and buried his head in the other's shoulder.

"Fuck you," He grumbled. Midoriya nodded before leaning back into Bakugou and going to play on his phone.


"Midoriya, what was that?" Todoroki questioned once he saw Bakugou had fallen asleep.

"Hm? Oh, he says hugging me helps him 'Recharge'? I don't know, but whatever helps!" He smiled.

The class was very confused.

a/n~ this was pulled out of my ass but based on the picture above^^ i honestly have no ideas so if you guys could give me requests...??

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