Where's Stupid Deku ?

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Midoriya was in 1st period. Bakugou knew that because he tripped the loser as he went to his seat.

Midoriya was in 2nd. Bakugou knew that because one of his lackeys had made the greenette cry, no, sob.

Midoriya was in 3rd. Bakugou knew this because he threatened the nerd by 'heating up' his shoulders a bit, whispering rude slurs into his ear.

He wasn't sure if Midoriya was in 4th, but he knew damn well Midoriya was in 5th. Lunch. Bakugou knew this because he had poured cheesy broccoli and chocolate milk all over the nerd, making him run out the lunch room crying.

He didn't piss over the quirkless bastard not being in 6th because he was probably sobbing in a bathroom stall somewhere. However, why the nerd wasn't in 7th was a bit of a question.

He knew the nerd wouldn't skip. The loser always wanted to keep his grades up and he was always taking notes. So why wasn't he done in the bathroom?

Bakugou, however, didn't let thoughts about that quirkless Deku stay in his mind. The teacher was talking about applying for highschools.

"So, Bakugou, we all know you're applying for U.A," She said happily.

Bakugou let out a scoff, "Of fucking course! And I'm the only one of you extras getting in!" He yelled.

"Ah well, I believe Midoriya was applying as well..." She looked towards the said child's seat but it was empty. "Does anyone know where Midoriya is?" She asked over the fit of laughter about quirkless Midoriya applying to a hero school.

Now, at that point, Bakugou would've let out a stupid ass comment about where the Midoriya was... 'Oh I bet he's crying in the bathroom because he's a quirkless loser!'. Duh, because Midoriya was a Deku. Useless. Stupid. Worthless. And did he say quirkless?

Again, that's what he would've done. That's what he would've said. He would've said that if he didn't realize where Midoriya's actual whereabouts were.

He breathed out a, "Deku...?" As he saw the green blob fly down past the window. However, much less flying, much more, um... how do I put this?...


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