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so they're class 3a right now.. bakudeku got together the end of their 1st year... kirikami got together the beginning of 2nd year

Something's off.

I know it is.

Kacchan refuses to tell me.

Everytime I confront him about something bothering him, he shrugs me off.

His eyes always say something different too. He never makes eye contact with me anymore. He's always daydreaming, thinking about something, someone maybe?

Kacchan is not like that though, right?

Of course not. He wouldn't cheat?

Who cheats after 2 years? Ha, he would never.

Frick. I'm breaking myself down again. I need to stop that.

Whatever, I hope he comes around soon and tells me what's up.

*Time Skip to the next day*
*3rd POV*

Deku had been hanging out in Kaminari's room. They were giving each other tips on how to put on nail polish. They were laughing and having a good time in general.

That is until Kaminari forgot that he had left some nail polish that he needed in his boyfriend's, Kirishima, room. He had just painted his nails so it wouldn't be smart to go walking around busting them up. Therefore, he asked Izuku to go.

"Hey Deku-kun, I left nail polish in Kirishima's room but I just painted my nails sooooo..."

"I'll get it for you Kami!" Deku agreed, "What should I ask him though? Would he know where it is?"

"Just ask him for the lime green and black nail polish!"

"Alrighty be right back!" Deku said, grinning since it had been a relatively good day.

Don't get him wrong, Kaminaris a great friend and Deku loves spending time with him, but he was originally supposed to be hanging out with his Kacchan today. Unfortunately, Bakugou forgot he had plans with his parents today and bailed last minute.

Deku understood and gave Bakugou a kiss before the blondy left his dorm room. bakugou left dekus dorm room idk it seemed confusing to me.

Deku decided to stop thinking about things that couldn't be changed and stepped out of the elevator to Kirishima's floor.

*Knock knock knock*

"Hey Kirishima! It's Deku.. umm Kaminari said he left some nail polish and he can't pick it up."


'Odd I'm pretty sure he didn't go visit his parents today.' Deku thought.

Very light footsteps were heard inside the room.


"Mmm fuck...~ No stop go hide in the closet."

Kirishima thought he was being quiet but Deku heard every word.

'Kaminari didn't get down here before me so he couldn't be in the room. So why should someone hide-'

The door suddenly swung open. Kirishima was in shorts and a hoodie that Deku was sure he'd seen before, maybe even worn. Maybe they shop at the same store?

'Nah that isn't my hoodie, nor is it Kirishima's.' Deku thought.

"Hey Deku!" Kirishima exclaimed, Whaddya' need?"

Deku was suspicious at this point, not liking the fact that one of his best friends could be getting cheated on and, not to mention, possibly him.

Deku shivered under that thought.

"Nail polish. Kaminari's nail polish." Deku said bluntly.

"Did he say where it possibly was?" Kirishima said as he allowed Deku to enter the room.

'Perfect.' Deku thought.

"Oh, he said it should be in the closet." Deku said walking over.

"NO!" Kirishima yelled, raising more suspicion,"I mean, I'll get it."

when you suddenly get stuck writing mid climax T~T

A silent, "Fuck..." was heard inside the closet. Deku knew that voice anywhere. He started to tear up.

'I really wasn't enough.'

'He's cheating on me.'

'God I really am useless.'

"Deku.. uhh it's not in here."

"Ok what else is." Deku said not thinking. He just wanted the truth.

"What are you talking about? Hehe..."

"Kirishima," Deku said his voice breaking horribly, "Who the fuck is in the closet?"

"Deku-kun! You were taking so long my nail polish- uh what's going on?"

The closet suddenly opened by itself, revealing Bakugou in only his boxers.

"I fucking knew it!" i fucking knew it dude. you know how i know? bc you be lookin around n shit. sorry. Deku screamed, "Why.. what the hell did I do?! To make you.."

Deku was angry to say the least. Kaminari was calmer than him still crying thought. Kirishima was looking down in maybe guilt. Bakugou was just looking at his 'boyfriend' crying so much. More than he ever did in middle school.

Kaminari finally started to process the situation. Last time Kaminari checked Kirishima was visiting his parents. What the hell? i just realized this does not make sense •3•

"Deku.. I-i uhh..."

"No fucking save it! I hate you, and you!" He said pointing at both the cheaters.

"Deku-kun, lets go." Kaminari said, trying not to break down like his friend.

"Uhuh.." He said, tears streaming down his face at a rapid pace.

"I fucking hate you." Kaminari said before leaving with Deku.

angsty?? ^3^ ahaaa beautiful anyways i love kirishima i sad that he had to cheat but angst is angst
now should i make a part two or no?

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