Hoodie Weather

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Class 1A decided to go to the outdoor mall as a whole. It was fall and a relatively cold day. Hoodie weather. Unfortunately Midoriya's hoodie was forgotten on the bus to the mall.

He had a quarter sleeve shirt on that had the words 'sweater' on it.. It wasn't thick or anything so he was very cold.

"Midoriya, are you sure you'll be fine?" Iida questioned.

"I'll be okay," Deku smiled.

"Deku-kun, it isn't healthy to be in this weather without a hoodie," Uraraka pushed.

"I told you guys, I'll be alright. A little chilly but... I'll just warm up in some of the stores."

They looked at him worriedly but decided to keep walking with the rest of the group. Midoriya shivered slightly. Yeah, he was really cold, but he didn't want to make his friends worry because of his stupidity.

"Deku-kun! We're going in here! Tag along if you'd like!" He's not sure why Uraraka would ask him to tag along in VS, but he politely declined and walked to where some of the boys were standing.

He awkwardly stood around them, moving his palms up and down on his arm to generate heat.

Suddenly he was yanked to the side rather harshly. He looked up at who had pulled him, an angry looking Bakugou.

"Why the fuck do you not have a hoodie?!" He scowled.

"I-I-I forgot i-it on the b-bus," Midoriya stuttered out.

"Heh, fucking stupid nerd," Bakugou laughed but quickly quieted down. He looked as though he was thinking something through.


"Look nerd, don't think anything of it. Here." Bakugou handed him a black hoodie with a skull on it.


"Take it and wear it you nerd!" Midoriya giggled but happily accepted the offering.

"Thanks Kacchan. I appreciate it." Bakugou scoffed and looked away. A light blush tinted his cheeks.

"D-do you wanna get h-hot chocolate... or something?" Midoriya looked shocked for a second before coming back to his senses.

"Of course!" Midoriya smiled as he snuggled into the hoodie. Bakugou's blush got deeper as he took the 'nerds' hand and dragged him to the nearby café.

The class watched the whole encounter.

"Couldn't Midoriya just bought a hoodie here?"



𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now