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a/n~ before this starts I want to say thank you for almost 200 reads! its amazing 🥺 and all the votes of course!! this is also based of the picture above, i believe it's an instagram post. i've seen it many times and wanted to write about it... enjoy ^3^

"Since you two decide acting up and starting fights is the best solution to your problems, I'll give you a real punishment, just as good as expelling you."

Bakugou and Midoriya, known to never get along, always starting fights with each other. They usually ended up violent, both were sent to the hospital one time. Both had several scars from the other.

Aizawa walked over to the 1A Dorms PA system, "All of 1A, in the common room. Now." Within 3 minutes all other 18 students were downstairs in front of Aizawa and the 2 fighting students, not knowing if they were in trouble or not.

"Y'know, if you would've kept your mouth shut, none of this ever would've happened," Bakugou scoffed with a smirk.

"Oh will you shut the fuck up!"

"Don't tell me to do shit ya fucking shit nerd!" Again, the fighting started. Midoriya pounced on Bakugou and started punching Bakugou to oblivion. All Bakugou could do was block while shouting insults.

Class 1A stared at the normal occurrence, quite bored. What did their Sensei call them down here for anyway?

Soon enough Aizawa broke off the fight and put them 10ft away from each other. He went to the sitting area and grabbed 2 chairs, placing them next to each other.

"What are those for Sensei?" Uraraka asked.

"You'll see," Aizawa responded with a knowing grin, "Bakugou sit here. Midoriya sit here," Aizawa demanded. They both sat, keeping as far as possible from each other.

"This punishment isn't even bad. The only thing is, he stinks," Bakugou remarked.

"Shut up!" Midoriya yelled. The fighting almost started again until Aizawa grabbed both their hands, and put them together. Both boys looked at their laced hands in horror.

"This is your punishment. You are to stay like this until I say so. If you too start fighting again an extra hour will be added."

The class held back their laughter as they saw the scene unfold. Kaminari was the first to pull his phone out and start recording, Sero following soon after.

The two boys hid their faces in their hands and arms, extremely embarrassed.

"Oh this is great! How does it feel to finally hold hands guys?!" Kaminari laughed.

"I can feel the sexual tension!" Sero chimed in after. The room was in hysterics. Aizawa still stood in front of him happy with his work. Maybe they'll finally realize they like each other, he thought.

"This is all your fault!" Midoriya yelled.

"Shut it, fuck face!" Midoriya dug his nails into Bakugou hands. "Ow what the fuck?!"

He threw Midoriya off the chair and the fighting started. Another hour was added but they both realized something.

They wouldn't mind holding hands for the rest of the day.

𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚔𝚞 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 .Where stories live. Discover now