Chapter 3

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I pull the blankets off of me, sitting up straighter and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I wince at my sore muscles and aching bones, inhaling sharply. "Do you need help getting cleaned up or anything?" Natasha asks, and I look over to her. I shake my head, whispering a soft, "No, thank you," as a reply.

"That's alright. I'll see if I can get some clothes for you to put on after your shower. Take as much time as you need, okay, sweetie?" I nod, standing up and walking on shaky feet to the bathroom door. Natasha moves to exit, but I turn around. "Wait." She looks back at me, eyebrows gently raised. "Thank you, Natasha," I say, "really, it means a lot." A gentle expression crosses her face as she smiles.

"Call me Nat."

"Hey, Pepper?" I ask as I enter the living room. "She's freshening up right now, so do you have any clothes that she can wear?" Pepper nods, and we go to her room. I stand, leaning against the wall, as she rifles through her closet. "They'll definitely be a little big, but these are some that I've outgrown," she says, pulling out a T-shirt and sweatpants. "Thank you, I'll go take these over."

I walk down the hall and knock on the door, lightly, getting no response. Pushing it open, I hear the sound of the shower running from my bathroom. I set the clothes on my bed and walk to the bathroom door. I hear a jump and a clatter from the other side as I knock.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you okay, what's happened?" My hand falls on the doorknob as I prepare to open it in case she's hurt. "Sorry, you just startled me, that's all. I'm okay." I sigh in relief, my muscles un-tensing. "Alright, well I put some clothes on the bed for you when you come out, okay? If you need anything don't be afraid to yell, I'll be right down the hall," I say, getting a soft, "Okay," in response.

I pick up the bottle, setting it back onto the countertop with shaking hands. Taking another glance at my reflection, I shudder. My bones are poking out from my skin and my coloration is pale and sickly. I knew I was treated badly, but not... this badly. I sigh, stepping into the shower as the water rains down. The heat shocks my skin, the drops feeling like pellets on my weakened back. I inhale sharply, stepping away from the showerhead's direction. I turn the heat down, along with the setting, and relax slightly under the soft, warm, flow of water.

I wash the seemingly age-old grime off of my body, avoiding my still-fresh cuts. 'Why is it that every time I seem to hurt myself? Why can't I just have some small ounce of control?'

I turn the water off, stepping out of the shower and standing on shaky legs. I wrap myself in a towel, the size and softness keeping the feeling of warmth and security around me. I open the door, steam escaping as I walk to the bed. I change into the clothes Nat put there, shrugging when I see that the pants fold under my heels as I walk and the T-shirt hangs off my frame like it's seven sizes too big. I sigh, picking up a comb and attempting to run it through my hair, but my joints being too weak to even clutch it. After multiple attempts at trying-- and failing-- at doing the simplest task on the planet, a knock on the bedroom door sounds. "(Y/n)? It's Natasha, can I come in?" I answer softly, and the door creaks open. Nat pokes her head around, stepping in when her eyes land on me. "How are you getting along?" I shrug, focusing my gaze onto the floor.

"Would you like any help with your hair?" I look up at her, seeing the want, no, need to help plain on her face. "Yeah, that'd be nice," I whisper, almost inaudibly.

Nat smiles and walks over, holding her hand out for the comb with a soft smile. I hand it to her, my fingers brushing against her palm.
I recoil my hand back immediately at the contact, and confusion passes over her features again. But she just comes behind me without question, gently pulling my hair back away from my face.

Making sure not to touch my skin.

"Just let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?"

And with those words, my eyes start to tear up.

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