Chapter 22

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All the Avengers stay silent as I stand in front of them, my question remaining unanswered. I look to Nat, Steve, Wanda, Rhodey, Vision, everyone in the room, and none of them will even meet my eye. "(Y/n)," Tony starts, hesitantly, "I can explain everything to you later. We're just in the middle of a really important discussion-" "You mean disagreement?" I interrupt, crossing my arms. "That's not-" "Of course it's what it is," I say, gesturing to everyone.

"Look at you all! The creased foreheads, furrowed eyebrows, clenched fists kept out of sight, not to mention the tiredness that is so visibly from constant rebuttals and refusals. You guys need to work on hiding your facial expressions. And don't lie and tell me that it's something different because I can sense your emotions and know that each and every one of you is annoyed with the other."

Tony sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sits down. "I promise you, (y/n), I will tell you everything. Just... please let us finish this meeting?" Grumbling in annoyance, I head out of the conference room, just as I hear them start arguing once more.

I look at my calendar, groaning, but curiosity also filling me. It's a full moon tonight, and I can't help but think about whether I'll see the shadow again. Or... whatever it is. Grabbing my backpack, I head to the kitchen, surprised to see Tony at the table with his head in his hands, coffee mug in front of him. A wave of sadness washes over me, considering everything that he told me last night. Debating over the Accords must have really taken a toll on him.

Seeing that his drink's gone cold, I walk to the coffee machine, a pot still steaming. I take it and refill his mug, earning a small, tired smile from him in return.

I brush my hair out of my face and grab a muffin, patting Tony's shoulder as I head to the door. This morning is pretty much the same as yesterday: get in the car, talk to Happy, get out of the car a little bit away from the school, finish my muffin, walk to the campus, get a headache, find Peter, talk for a while, go to class. At break, however, I just stay outside with a book, hoping I can get my head around the fact that the people I love more than anything are splitting up. I don't even acknowledge when someone sits beside me on the bench, looking over my shoulder. "I didn't know you could read books upside-down."

I chuckle at Peter's joke and turn my book around, closing it and turning my head to face him. "What's up?" He shrugs, leaning back and looking at the sky, "Nothing, really. I just saw you out here and was wondering if you were okay," he turns his head to look at me, staying in his relaxed position.

I sigh, leaning back as well as my thoughts continue to race. "I mean... I don't even know. I just have a lot on my mind and don't really know how to deal with it all." Peter nods in understanding, "I get that. Maybe just... take a break. Do something that makes you happy for an hour or two and then get back to life." My eyebrows lift a bit as I realize that he's right. I turn to face him again, "I think I'll try that."

Peter's eyebrows furrow when he looks at me. Tilting his head to the side a little, he reaches up, hesitantly, and pulls my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. His thumb traces over my scar as he looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But then he smiles.

"You should show your face more," he says, looking at me with a gentle look on his own. "When you smile, your eyes light up and it... it's really pretty."

I chuckle, turning my face down in slight embarrassment but also touched by his sweetness.

"Thank you, Peter. And... maybe I will."

I gasp, jumping up from my desk. I try to control the flicker in my eyes when I move to the window, feeling it stop as soon as I press my hand against the glass. I feel a gaze on me, and I frantically look around all of the outside surroundings, my gut feeling beginning to disappear.

I widen my eyes and look even more, freezing right as the sense vanishes. I inhale, shakily, as I stare at one spot below me.

It was just lit up by the full moon less than five seconds ago.

The quickest flash of dark grey.

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