Chapter 50

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I walk through the facility's location, now undergoing construction due to its ruin after the final battle with Thanos's army. Everyone has moved back to the old tower, staying there for the time being while the original construction workers dug up the old blueprints for the facility. One of the workers called me in this morning to look at something at the site, stating that it was too abnormal to be left alone. I made sure to come after all the workers left for the night, just in case anything was dangerous, so right now, the whole area is empty of any other people except me. I carefully step through the mass of rubble and the new framing for the building, seeing what the situation is.

A wall-- a full-ass wall-- is standing without any damage to it, perfectly intact. Furrowing my eyebrows, I run my hand along its surface, the texture familiar. I look around where I'm standing, picking up something shiny from the ground. A tiny, curved shard of glass, with a small rim at the top that gives way to a point. A broken test tube.

This is the rubble from Tony's lab.

A small divot is in the stone, and I examine it. If the rest of the wall is complete, and obviously reinforced, then why is this the only imperfection?

I lightly trace it with my fingers, slipping them in to grasp the tiny ledge like a handle.

'You'll know where to look.'

"Tony, you son of a..."

I shake my head, chuckling at the ingenuity. I squeeze my fingers to press the hidden button, withdrawing them and taking a step back. A cylinder of the stone that I was touching suddenly becomes more clear in the wall, and it rotates to reveal a beautiful suit of what looks to be black leather with metallic silver gloves and a black hood, left undisturbed for quite possibly years.


I smile and pull the sticky note off of the fabric, examining the suit even more. A small, blue pendant sits right below the neckline, and I instinctively reach up to touch it, my finger resting on the smooth surface. A small ray of light moves up and down, seeming to scan my fingerprint before disappearing.

Suddenly, the suit disappears into the pendant, revealing a simple, yet beautiful, necklace that seems to glow in the darkness of the evening. I pull it off of the mannequin's neck, letting it dangle from my fingers as I test its weight.

It's as light as a feather, and it somehow contains an extremely complex suit design.

God, just how far did that man go to expand his brilliance?

I clasp the necklace around my neck, the pendant sitting right next to my heart.

I throw a stray sock at Peter, it landing perfectly on his mass of curly hair. "Clean your room and wash your clothes, jeez," I say, scrunching up my nose as he just sniffs the sock and throws it into his suitcase.
"I'm living. I'm not thriving, but it works."

"Goodness, boys are disgusting. Why am I best friends with two of them in the first place?"

"Because you love us."

"Unfortunately true."

I step up to Peter's side, ruffling his hair as he bends down to stuff something in the suitcase. He immediately bats my hand away and stands up, looking down at me, and I chuckle as I move to his bed. "You should learn how to fold your clothes, too. It'll really save space," I lecture, taking out his clothes from the case and folding them up, reorganizing them.

"Okay, Mom."

I laugh just as my spine tingles. May appears in the doorway, slinging something at Peter's face, "Hungry?" I reach my arm out without even looking, catching the banana as Peter nearly falls backwards in surprise. I toss it back to the silly boy behind me, who catches it with a bit of fumbling. "Really, May?"

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