Chapter 33

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Peter shakes his head, frantically, as he tries to make up an excuse for an answer to my question. "What? No... no. No, why would I be Spider-Man? I was just helping Mr. Stark design a suit for Spider-Man because I have an internship, and-"

"Holy shit, you are Spider-Man."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are, Peter," I say, looking him dead in the eye. He sighs, "How did you know?"

I shake my head, chuckling a bit. "You just told me."

Peter face-palms, muttering to himself as he paces and tugs on his curly hair. "I did begin to piece it together a while ago. But I also saw the suit right before Tony closed the compartment."

He sighs, dejectedly, looking at the ground. "Hey, it's okay, alright?" I start, placing my hand on his shoulder, "This won't change our friendship, okay?" "How do you know that? I'm... weird, freaky, I-" "You're not freaky, Pete."

"I can stick to walls, (y/n). That's pretty freaky."

"I think it's cool. And if it makes you feel better... you're not as freaky as me."

Peter tilts his head, confusion filling his eyes, "What do you mean?" I sigh, taking his hands in mine. I make eye contact with him as I squeeze his hands, enforcing the point I'm about to make.

"Peter, if you go crazy with this knowledge and tell anyone at school, I will hunt you down. You cannot say a word of this to Ned, May, anyone, okay? The Avengers are the only ones who know, and I intend to keep it that way, alright?"

He nods, looking a little scared due to the seriousness of my tone. I step back, take a deep breath, and close my eyes. My heart is pounding and thoughts are racing from the stress of this new information, and I do my best to calm down. And with that, I inhale, exhale, and shift.

"Holy shit!" I whisper-yell, seeing (y/n) turn into a wolf with white fur and eyes the most beautiful shade of gold I've ever seen. "Wow," I breathe out, kneeling so that I'm at her level. I reach my hand out, tentatively, as a way to ask permission. She nudges my fingers with her cold nose, and I chuckle, petting the fur on her neck.

My fingers run through the silkiness, amazed at how beautiful this creature in front of me is. "This is incredible." She sits down in front of me, taller than me in her new, stronger, form. I pull my hand back, and she becomes human again, now sitting on the floor with me. Hanging her head, she sighs, looking up at me without moving. "I'm... I'm Eclipse, too."

My eyes widen to a point that I didn't even know was possible, my eyebrows shooting up as well. "You're that awesome, badass, kick-butt superhero that kept doing my job for me?" She chuckles, straightening up a bit as she nods. "Yeah, that's me."

"I was super mad at you, but now I can't be, come on!" She laughs again, making me smile. "Are you an Avenger?" I ask, and she shrugs. "I honestly have no clue." I open my mouth to ask her another question, but she pulls her phone out of her pocket, frowning slightly. "Hey, I'd love to keep this up and explain everything, but I kind of have to go now. I'll tell you later?" she asks, and I nod, standing and extending a hand for her.

She takes it, and I pull her up, obviously a little bit too hard. She falls forward when she reaches her feet, yelping a bit when I grab her waist, steadying her.

She places her hands on my chest as she rests her forehead in between them, laughing. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her to me as she keeps her head on my chest. I chuckle, resting my chin on the top of her head before she pulls away.

She takes out her phone again, typing something in. "I'll see you later?" she asks, and I nod.


Messages to: "Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)"
Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)
So can you come? We can cancel if not
(Y/n)? Is everything okay?
I'm gonna come over if you're not

Sorry about that, I'm fine

Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)
Thank goodness
You had me worried

Anyway, I'm setting out now. Which library?

Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)
The really small one near Astor Place
It's a little hard to find, but just go to the quieter part of that road

Ok, see you in five

Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)
Cya :)

I put my phone in my pocket as I quickly cross the road. I maneuver around people in the crowded sidewalks, the hustle of the huge city making me uncomfortable. I keep an eye out for people who might want to take advantage of a teenage girl, walking quickly. Luckily, I don't run into anyone when I get close to Astor Place. I look around, not spotting a library anywhere. Biting my lip, I search for a scent out of hundreds of thousands mingling in one spot. Just when I'm about to give up hope, I find it.

Jogging, I track it, the smell getting stronger when the noises around me die down. When I look up, I'm face-to-face with a door painted a warm shade of red, the walls around it a dark, tree-bark brown. I push the door open, a little bell quietly jingling when I walk in.

I breathe in the scent of cedar and freshly-printed paper, looking around and smiling at the comfortable, homey atmosphere. Small couches and chairs are littered around and throughout the shelves, and I see a group bunched together in a secluded corner, making a quiet little reading space. A familiar dark-haired boy sits on one of the grey seats, and I walk over to him. He stands when he looks up to see me, worry etched in his features.

"Everything okay?"

I sigh, sitting in one of the chairs across from his, "I just had a huge bomb dropped on me, but it's fine. What do we have here?" I gesture to the stack of books set up on the floor, and Jackson sits down so that we're facing each other. "Myths. Personal stories written so the average reader would believe it to be fiction. Common fairy tales. Newspaper or magazine articles. You can tell by the author if anything's too vague. Look them up on one of those computers over there and you'll see whether they were hunted down or not."

I pick up one of the novels, looking at the title.

The English Setting Sun: a story of magic, mystery, and quest.

"I'm not really sure if this is reliable," I say, holding it up so Jackson can read it. He leans forward, squinting at the cover. "There's no author," he states, taking the book into his hands. "What?" "Look," he fingers the cover, tracing the gold symbols.


Suddenly, a spark of memory comes to me.

The picture of my father when Tony showed me my family information. Tattooed near his left eyebrow. That very mark.

Just then, I take into account the book cover.

White with gold lettering.

Tentatively, I take the book back into my grasp, hands trembling. Suddenly, a shock runs through me, painlessly electric. A realization of something hiding in plain sight.

"Oh, my god."

I look up to meet Jackson's eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as I inhale, shakily.

"I think this was written by my father."

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