Chapter 16

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The original draft of this was so much better until I remembered that Bruce is gone and then I had to change almost all of it, so please forgive me if this is really bad
(Y/n) stays in wolf form as I drop to my knees, hugging her. Tony pats her head in victory, both of us smiling triumphantly. I ruffle her fur as I laugh, shocked. "You did it!" She opens her mouth, letting out a small howl, making Tony chuckle. "Good job, kid," he says, pausing slightly. "The question is, how hard is it for you to shift back?" (Y/n) looks up at Tony, head tilting to the side like a confused puppy. "Do you want to try it, (y/n)?" She lets out a huff of breath, stepping backwards.

Tony and I wait in anticipation as she flicks her tail back and forth. After a minute, she growls slightly, hitting her paw against the floor. "Hey, hey, hey," I start, seeing her frustration, "it's okay. Just try again. Maybe focus on the opposite emotion to calm you down and clear your mind?" Her tail flicks in acknowledgement, and her eyes close. Immediately, the muscles in her body un-tense and she visibly relaxes. Then, almost as fast as it happened, the wolf rises to its hind legs, spine straightening. The transformation from earlier seems to go backwards, revealing (y/n). Well, the human (y/n). She lets out a heavy exhale, stumbling forward and nearly falling. "Whoa."

Tony reaches out his arms, bringing her back into an upright position, steadying her. I stand, placing my hand on her shoulder as I bend down slightly to look into her eyes. "You good?"

She nods, smiling brightly as she leans into Tony. "Okay, I'm really tired, though," she states, chuckling, as Tony tightens his grip to keep her from falling. "Alright, let's get you sitting down, yeah?" I ask, and she nods.

(Y/n) insists on walking alone, but soon stops asking when she takes one step and her legs give out. "Okay, missy, we're gonna be your crutches and you don't have a choice," Tony tells her, jokingly, and she rolls her eyes, smiling. We help her to a chair, and she drops down into it, sighing.

Tony and Nat sit on the sofa across from me, and I rest my elbows on my knees, propping my head up on my fists. "So what do we do now?" Nat shakes her head, looking to Tony and he shrugs, starting to ramble. "I mean, we could all go back to doing our own business, we could..." he gasps, "we can go and get some shawarma! That sounds good, yeah? A little celebratory sna- or lunch, it's like 2 o' clock. How does that sound?" I chuckle, smiling at his giddiness.

"I mean, I was talking about my shifting and, like, practicing or something, but shawarma's a good idea! I'm pretty hungry, so that works!" Tony looks Nat, raising his eyebrows. "Do you want to come with?" Nat shakes her head, "I'm good, thanks."

"Alright!" Tony stands, holding out his forearm to me, and I grin, knowing what he's doing. I grab onto it, holding tight, and he pulls his arm up extremely quickly. I squeal, holding on to his forearm as he pulls me out of the chair and off the ground, letting me dangle in the air. I laugh as he swings me back and forth slightly, setting me down. Nat rolls her eyes, the corner of her lips turned up in a smile, "Honestly, Tony, she's not a little kid anymore. You did that when she was nine." I chuckle as Tony sticks his tongue out at her, "Your point being?" I laugh at his remark and let go of his arm, starting to walk with him.

"The Science Squad is going for lunch!" he exclaims, throwing his arms up into the air.

I whoop, laughing. Whenever the two of us-- along with Bruce-- go out together, Tony's the expressive one, I just go with the flow, typically following in Tony's footsteps, and Bruce was the 'parent' of us two, sometimes playing along but staying calm, relaxed, and... well, in simple terms: not crazy. Together, we make the Science Squad.

Because... they're the 'science bros'... and I'm the new addition... who likes science... so... yeah.

As we near the car, Tony starts talking about a new suit design that he has in mind, rambling, as he usually does. "And I was also thinking that maybe in the future, I could do a color change, I'm not sure how I feel about-" "Hey guys!" Rhodey interrupts, walking over, "Can I join?" I nod, smiling, and he walks over to us. Tony mutters a soft, "Dang it," and I give him a quick side hug.

He looks at me with fake offense and hurt in his eyes, and I laugh, nudging him with my shoulder. He's just a little bit upset because he won't be able to geek out over stuff with me now that Rhodey's joined the lunch group.

What can I say?

He's just not part of the Science Squad.

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