Chapter 49

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i'm so fucking sorry, i was studying this morning for a test and forgot to post until just now!!
The sun beats down on me as I wait in the clearing for my pack to come. I pace, reminding myself to stay focused and get the meeting over with as quickly as possible.

Aliyah, now five years older, arrives with Mary Anne and Eden, and the still eleven-year-old girl runs up to me and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms around her as she buries her face into my stomach, sniffling. "It's okay, honey, it's okay," I whisper, rubbing her back. I pull away and take her face in my hands, looking at her teary, violet eyes and wiping her cheeks with my thumbs.

I give her a small smile, looking up as I wait for the rest of the pack to get here. When they do, I stand in front of them, keeping my back straight. Looking at their downcast eyes and gloomy expressions, I know that the topic is going to be very sensitive amongst everyone.

Taking a deep breath, I quit playing with the edge of my bandage and drop my hands to my sides.

"I hate that I even have to have this conversation with you all in the first place. But... it obviously needs to be addressed. These past five years- for some of you, these few years have most likely been a real rollercoaster, what with half the world being gone and all that. And then for those of you like me that just came back, there are going to be questions. I will answer all of them, right here, right now. Even in private, if that's what you want. But anything regarding what happened, I will do my best to explain."

I tell them all what happened with Thanos, how he snapped away half of all living creatures, how the 'Original Six' went back in time, and how all the Avengers banded together to fight his army when Thanos from the past hijacked their plan. And then the dreaded question comes.

Anna steps forward, tentatively, her green eyes holding worry. "So... I know that this probably isn't the best time or place, but I think we all want to know what happened. But... um... how did Jackson... you know...?"

She looks down at her feet, downcast, as the majority of the pack become glossy-eyed and silent. Ben steps up to the redhead, placing a hand on her shoulder as she looks up at him, the path of a tear staining her cheek. I clear my throat, making everyone give me their attention.

"Jackson died saving my life. If it wasn't for him... I would probably be dead. And I know that this is impacting you more than me because you all knew him much longer than I did, but... if any of you want to, we can have a small memorial period after this."

Murmurs go through the pack, and the majority of them agree.

"Mr. Stark was a very wealthy man, and I'm sure the both of you know this. However, he has not been too specific about to whom the majority of unlisted belongings will go to. All he wrote in his will was that the future owner of Stark Industries would know, and for us to leave that decision to them. Miss Potts-Stark, he wrote this letter for you, and Miss Romanoff-Stark, this one is addressed to you. I will leave you to read them over," the lawyer concludes, and I take the envelope from his hand.

Turning it over, I see in his familiar handwriting:

(Y/n)- I mean it.

I open the envelope, pulling out a sheet of paper folded in thirds. The words are slightly visible through the page, and I unfold it to reveal his last words to me in small, neat rows.

Hey, kid.

I don't know when you're reading this. Or if you'll ever get to. But if you are, and I never asked you, I hope that you got to kick that grape's ass. I really hope you did.

But on a more serious note, I do have an important announcement. I am telling you the exact same thing I tell Pepper in her letter, so don't worry about asking permission. I've hinted at this before, and she even said that it was a good idea.

But here's the thing, kid. This is a big responsibility. And no matter how old you are at the time of reading-- if you're still sixteen or if you've gone to college (even though you don't need to) and have graduated-- I know for a fact that you can handle it. You've always been able to.

What I'm saying is that I want you to take over. Naturally, Pepper would take my place, but even she knows that Morgan's life is her priority. She would obviously have to sign the cheques and all that other fun stuff, but you would be in charge until you're of age and come into possession of the funds. You would have the responsibility of going to press events or business launches, representing the Avengers in some cases, but mainly Stark Industries. If you feel as though you can step up and commit to this, I want you to. You're capable.

So, (y/n) Romanoff-Stark, Little Miss Genius, my beloved daughter, I am announcing in this letter that you are the new face and owner of Stark Industries. I wouldn't give it to any other person as long as you're there to take it. Not even Morgan. She's intelligent, yes, but I want her to find her calling (it's probably something to do with juice pops at the time of writing). And I know for a fact that this is what you're passionate about, and I want to fuel that passion.

There is one more thing, though. As you know, I was Peter's mentor. And, seeing as I'm gone, everyone will be asking about the next Iron Man. I know that it's going to be him. He's a good kid and has a lot of potential. But I need you to do something for me. Peter's the kind of kid that just wants a normal life. He'll want to stick in school, find a girlfriend, and keep his identity a secret to the world. So he's going to struggle. A lot. (Y/n), I'm asking that you keep him grounded. Make sure he can reach out to you so that you can guide him in the right direction. It's going to be a huge responsibility for him, but I trust him. And I trust you. You two are the best of friends, and in times of trouble, he'll need you.

I don't know when I'll see you again. But I miss you, kid. I miss you more and more every day. But I don't want you to miss me too much, okay? It'll be a rough transition, but I have faith that you can do it. You are one of the greatest things that ever happened to me, and I wish I could have had more time with you.

I love you bunches.


You sure kept a lot of secrets, but I do have one more trick up my sleeve. You'll know where to look.

I look up to see Pepper smiling at me. "He'd want you to take it." I chuckle, "Yeah, he explained that quite thoroughly." She laughs, and I smile at its genuineness. The lawyer enters, sitting down in front of us, "Well?"

I bite my lip, looking back down at the letter, contemplating. A few moments pass by where I think about every possible outcome. But I really, really, want this. Partially because he wanted it for me, too.

"I'll take it."

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