Chapter 46

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My hearing goes underwater as the scene continues to play out. The alien rips its claws from Jackson's chest, his body spasming underneath.

I choke out a wordless cry, tears beginning to flow down my cheeks once again as I watch, unable to do anything.

His face is all I can focus on as the creature gets ripped off of him, and it feels as though a weight is sitting atop my lungs, keeping me from breathing. I go numb, absolutely senseless as I can feel a piece of me slipping away.

He turns his head to look at me, his beautiful, emerald eyes meeting mine.

"Jackson," I whisper, frozen still as I can feel his life begin to slip away. As I hear his heart slowing down.

His eyes dim, head falling limply to the ground.

And then, the pain.

His pain.

Spreading from my chest like pieces of glass across a surface once they break, it cuts through every inch of my being. Filling me up until it dies away.

Sounds of battle flood my ears in a shocking volume, and I can feel arms around me, pulling me back so that I don't have to look at him. I turn into Peter's shoulder, letting him wrap his arms around my weak form.

God damn it, why does this keep happening?

When will it stop?

Will it ever?

"He's in a better place now," my best friend whispers, rubbing my back, gently. I try to push my emotions away, knowing that being vulnerable will do no good for either of us.

I pull away, allowing Peter to help me up. "Go," I tell him, "I'll be okay."

"I'm staying with you."

"I need to sort things out. They need you fighting."

Peter holds my shoulders, looking me in the eye, "Are you sure?"

I nod, and he gives me a quick hug before swinging back into the battlefield. I turn to see Ben kneeling by Jackson's body, gently pulling his eyelids closed. He stands, looking up at me as I blink back tears. I take a deep breath, straightening my spine and shoulders.

"Right now, you need to fill his place. I'm telling you to take his body somewhere away from here and notify his family. Then make sure the pack is safe. I want you all out of harm's way, understood?"

Ben nods, taking my hand, "He was my best friend, too. If you ever need to talk about it..."

I nod, giving him a sad smile before motioning for him to leave. He scoops up Jackson's body, and I turn around, inspecting one of the dead alien-dogs. A sort of sense pulls me to it, and as I lean down to touch the corpse, a rushing vibration of power moves through my fingertips.

A connection, if that was even possible.

'Some people suspect aliens; others think witches are behind it.'

'I don't think I even know of a gold-eyed wolf. It's... special.'

'Even the 'mother species' will do their bidding.'

"Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride," I say through my comms, getting an idea.

I wrap up the aliens as I go along, seeing a cluster of about twenty running straight for me. "Shit!" I exclaim, starting to swing away but only being followed. I shoot out a web, not catching onto anything and plummeting to the ground with a yelp. I groan, the air knocked out of me as I land on my back, hitting my head.

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