Chapter 40

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"What the- Bruce, what are you doing?" I whisper, and he tilts his head up to look at me. "I mean, he's a king, so-" "We don't do that here," King T'Challa says, and Bruce stands up straight as Rhodey chuckles. "It is a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)," I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I take a step forward. "Y-you know me?" I ask T'Challa, and he nods, turning to the side and holding an arm out in introduction.

"The White Wolf has a special fondness towards you. He has told me many stories."

I chuckle as Bucky walks up, giving Steve a hug before turning to me. "Hey, Bucky," I say, smiling gently as I wrap my arms around him. Before Berlin, I was always the person that Bucky went to if he suffered with PTSD from his time in the war and at HYDRA. He would play games with me, let me stick magnets on his arm for fun, braid his hair just for the heck of it, and we'd find hidden ice cream stashes in the freezer together. It was fun before the conference of world leaders in 2016, but it's good to know that he's okay and doing well.

"So how big of an assault should we expect?" T'Challa asks, and Bruce steps forward. "Uh, sir... sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault."

"How we looking?" Nat asks, and T'Challa starts walking to the palace with all of us following. "You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." "A semi-stable one hundred-year-old man," Bucky finishes, and I laugh, nudging him with my shoulder.

THE LINEUP (you guys know what I'm talking about)
I stand next to Bucky as Nat, Steve, and T'Challa walk up to the border. "You know," I start, leaning over so that he can hear me clearly, "I'm a little confused, what with you being the 'White Wolf,' and all." He chuckles, adjusting the hold on his gun as he turns his head to look at me. "Yeah, I was too, at first."

My eyes widen at the rising pyramid-like structures behind the border, dust billowing all around them. I see the three figures walking back, and I straighten up as Nat comes to stand beside me. "They surrender?" Bucky asks, and Steve sighs. "Not exactly."

I pull out my pistol as alien dog-like creatures start running towards the barrier, forcing themselves through. And splitting in half in the process. "They're killing themselves," Okoye states, in shock. I hold my gun up as a few push through, shooting the first down from miles away. "Nice shot," Nat compliments, and I reload the gun, closing my right eye and aiming again, biting my lower lip in concentration as I finger the trigger. "Thanks." Three more go down before I see one start to run along the barrier. Noticing a dog get closer, I shoot it down, sliding my gun back in its holster as I don't want to waste anything valuable.

"Hey, Cap, if those things circle around the perimeter, there's nothing between them and Vision," Bruce says. "Then we've got to keep them in front of us."

My senses go off, and I feel an emptiness in the pit of my stomach. "Shit," I mutter, knowing that something terrible is going to happen soon.

"Wakanda forever!" T'Challa cries, and I start running forward, shifting and speeding ahead.
And then the barrier opens.

TIME SKIP (idk how long it was, movies are confusing)
My fur flies behind me as I charge towards Thanos, jumping up and outstretching one of my front legs, leaving a bloody claw mark across his cheek. Thanos growls as I revert back to human form and pull out my swords, moving forward and holding them up. He closes his fist with the gauntlet, sending me flying back.

I hit my head on a tree, my vision going white for a few seconds.

When I regain awareness, I try to focus on the sight in front of me. Wanda is on the ground, crying, as Thanos steps up to a patch of earth. "No," I whisper, struggling to stand as I fall forward. He turns the gauntlet, Vision reappearing and being clutched by the neck as Thanos chokes him. Wanda repeats my protest as a yell, getting thrown back as Thanos rips the stone out of Vision's head.

I stand on shaky legs and run forward, shifting as I jump. I pounce on Thanos's arm, knocking the Mind Stone out of his hand. Picking it up off the ground, I run back to the battlefield with the stone in my mouth, doing my best to put some decent space between me and the Titan. But something grabs me by the scruff of my neck, lifting me from the ground and throwing me against another tree. I unwillingly yelp and shift back from the pain, lying helpless in the dirt.

"(Y/N)!!" Nat yells from her earthen prison, fear in her voice as Thanos walks up to me.

He kicks my weak form, and I whimper, rolling over in pain, the stone still in my mouth. He harshly digs the heel of his boot into my stomach, my reflexes making me turn my head to the side and heave up the stone. I curl up, clutching my stomach as I cough, violently.

I gasp for air as weak cries escape my throat, my ribs sore and feeling as though they're on fire. I push myself up on my elbow as I try to stand, Thanos picking the stone up from the ground a few feet away. I grunt, lifting my body up by a foot until the Titan puts the toe of his boot under my ribcage, pushing me upwards and sending me flying across the clearing. My head slams on the ground, the wind being knocked out of me as I fumble for the pistol at my side. I force air into my lungs as Thanos puts the stone in his gauntlet, the veins in his ugly, purple, raisin-like skin glowing with the colors of all six Infinity Stones.

I lift a shaking hand up from my side, trying to steady the gun as I aim for his head. Just as I pull the trigger, Thor's axe comes down, cutting through the air with a trail of lightning behind it. The sound of the gunshot is drowned out as the weapon plunges into Thanos's heart, my bullet missing his head by just a millimeter as he stumbles backwards.

I try to reload my gun as Thor pushes the axe in further, "I told you... you'd die for that." Terror fills me as I see Thanos lifting his hand and preparing to snap his fingers. "You... should have gone... for the head."

White overtakes my vision for the briefest second, returning back to normal as my senses start going haywire. I stand up just as Thanos disappears into a portal, my legs unsteady for a short while. Nat breaks free from what was holding her to the ground just as I clutch my chest.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) what's wrong? Come on, talk to me!" Nat exclaims, running over and putting her hands on my shoulders. I struggle for breath as the feeling continuously rolls through my heart. My hearing blurs as dull throbs and losses of existence go throughout my body.

Four, five, six, seven times.

My pack. Something's...

One more.

The strongest by far.

Filling up my whole being is a loss of a sense of self, my heart breaking and tears rolling down my cheeks.


I look up at Nat as the feeling subsides, my senses continuing to go off like crazy as I feel it again, only more real and terrifying. It's me this time.

"Nat... Nat, please, help," I choke out, clinging to her as she hugs me, her heart pounding with incredible speed. "You're okay. I've got you, you're okay."

"I don't know what's happening, I don't... Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go. Please, help, Nat, I don't wanna go."

She sobs as she holds me in her arms, the both of us falling onto our knees on the ground.

I bury my face into her shoulder, whispering words that I desperately hope won't be my last.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

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