Chapter 63

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i updated my profile :)
I anxiously tap my foot against the floor, my elbows resting on my knees as I lean forward on the couch. The commercials roll by on the TV silently, and I constantly rub the 'unmute' button on the remote, waiting for the local news channel to come on. "It'll be okay," Peter says, lightly massaging my shoulders to help me un-tense. "Your project is so good and has awesome results, there's no way they won't approve it."

I exhale, worriedly, as my knee starts bobbing up and down. "Yeah, but what if they don't? Then it'll have been a waste of funds and a lost hope that might ruin people's trust in my leadership."

"Calm down-"


"Trust me. It'll be fine. I believe in you."

I groan, putting my head in my hands as I look at the television screen through my fingers. Peter pats my shoulder behind me, pulling both his hands away, and my muscles immediately tense up again. "I'm gonna go use the restroom real quick, okay? It'll all go well."

I nod, hoping that he's right. I get up and pace after he leaves, frustratedly running my hands through my hair. The screen in the corner of my eye flickers, the flashing blue and red catching my attention. Gasping, I unmute the TV, the reporter's voice filling the room.

"Recently, the successor of deceased billionaire Tony Stark, (y/n) Romanoff-Stark, proposed a new and unheard of foster system design in order to aid any and all children that need homes."

"Get to the point," I mutter, impatiently.

Descriptions and statistics go unheard as I wait for the important few words.

"After huge success in her residence town of Manhattan, legislation has been passed in order to begin the construction of such facilities in the rest of the United States, and later internationally."

My mouth falls agape, and I turn off the television, blankly staring at the black screen as I set the remote on the side table. My hands come to cover my mouth, and I exhale, shakily. "What happened?" Peter asks, walking back into the room as I stand there, still in shock.


A smile begins to make its way onto my face as I turn to him. "It got approved."


"It got approved!"

Peter yells in excitement, running over to me and pulling me into a hug, lifting me up from the floor and spinning me around. I cling to him as I laugh, and Peter sets me down, taking my face in his palms and slamming his lips onto mine.

My eyes close for the few seconds that the kiss lasts, fluttering open once the warmth and pressure of his lips leaves. My heart beats at an ungodly rate, my thoughts racing.

'Peter Parker just kissed me.'

Peter grabs the TV remote, turning the channel back on to listen as he continuously goes around the room. "This is absolutely amazing!" he exclaims, the report playing on nearly every news source that he flips through. I blink, clearing my mind as I try to comprehend what's happening. "You-"


My eyes widen a bit in surprise as he cuts me off, looking at me with a worried expression. Here it comes. He's gonna realize what he did and then apologize over and over.

I should've known.

Why would he actually have feelings for me?

"We totally need to celebrate!"

Say what now?


"This is such good news! We should go get ice cream. My treat."

"It's the middle of winter?"

"Doesn't matter."

Peter runs off, and I stare at where he was standing, confusion keeping me from moving or saying anything. What the hell is going on right now? He runs back in with his wallet and two coats in hand, motioning for me to walk by his side, "Come on!"

I decide not to bring the kiss up right now, as I don't want to burst his bubble. Smiling, I try to push it from my thoughts the best I can as I walk over to him.

But it still lingers in the back of my mind.

'Peter Parker kissed me.'

Sunset Secret (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now